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  1. iggygrl76

    Suggestions 12G Aquapod Corals...

    I moved the koralia to the back right mid/top of the tank to get a good cross flow...I think it will work out there. We will see more tomorrow. I need to get some more live rock I have 12lbs in there but there are some places that just need to be fleshed out a lil more. I will try to get more...
  2. iggygrl76

    Suggestions 12G Aquapod Corals...

    its koralia 1 400gph in my 12gallon tank :) lol a lil overkill?
  3. iggygrl76

    Suggestions 12G Aquapod Corals...

    Got my PH up to 8.5 and my calcium is upwards of 480 :) woot woot! Nitrite 0 Nitrate <20 Id move the koralia up but its so powerful in my tank it makes it crazy where I have it it has good flow through and circulation through the live rock and then extends through the front of the tank really well.
  4. iggygrl76

    Where Are You At???

    Im in NE Indiana getting around to go to my LFS....Gotta see what they got that I can ad to my tank! lol Karin
  5. iggygrl76

    Suggestions 12G Aquapod Corals...

    salinity is right about 1.022 my temp is holding good at 78. I love the catalina gobys and I didnt realize they were cold water sigh thats ok. I love the Bi color blenny and that will be just as entertaining. I do use tap water but have access to RO and filtered as well and I am planning for my...
  6. iggygrl76

    Suggestions 12G Aquapod Corals...

    PH 8.0 I need to raise it a tinge KH 240+ NO2 - 0 No3 - 25 The sally lightfoot isnt going to do well in a reef tank? shoot I thought that was one of the ok ones!
  7. iggygrl76

    Suggestions 12G Aquapod Corals...

    I am currently cycling my new 12g Aquapod. Id like to make this a lil minireef tank and am curious what corals can be successfully kept in this set up with the stock lights? I was thinking some zoas and mushrooms maybe a sun coral? any suggestions are welcome! Fish wise im looking at bicolor...
  8. iggygrl76

    Nano's 12g Aquapod

    I love seeing what can be done in the 12g aquapod! I just scored one last week for $15 at a garage sale! and even the pump worked! woot woot! so Im working on cycling the tank now. Quick question did you use the stock lighting that came in the aquapod or did you purchase different bulbs and if...
  9. iggygrl76

    New pics from Nordy's 12G aquapod

    This is so inspiring to see thank you for posting! I am just restarting my saltwater tank! In the past I had a 29Gallon and a 30+ saltwater tanks and miss them terribly! I am restarting in a 12 gallon aquapod that I got one heck of a deal on at a garage sale last week! $15! for the whole setup...