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  1. qb6945

    Sea Anemone Color Change

    My sea anemone is going through some wierd phase and im having some difficulty deciding what is really going on. First i will go through the rundown on my tank : Size : 100g long Filtration : wet dry sump with protein skimmer and bio balls (~120 lb live rock) Fish : two Saddleback Clowns, one...
  2. qb6945

    More problems with my 100g.

    Originally Posted by meowzer I think pics would be a good idea..... SO after your run in with bought more fish...with no QT? (just checking) We went about 2 months with running the tank after the run in with ich that killed all of the previous fish before we got new fish. E : I will...
  3. qb6945

    More problems with my 100g.

    Hi everyone and thanks in advance for any input and information. I am on my second run with my 100 gallon reef aquarium (live rock and fish), and i am having a little bit of trouble again. It has been about 4 months since the tank fell apart with ich the first time. About 2 months in, we bought...
  4. qb6945

    Rise in nitrate.

    What is a way to bring them back down? Constant water changes?
  5. qb6945

    Rise in nitrate.

    Will kick-ick make the nitrates rise in a saltwater aquarium? We have noticed that the nitrates have been aroun 20ppm even after a 10% water change and i dont know if the kick-ick would do that.
  6. qb6945

    Anemone Dying?

    The anemone died soon after i left for work today. Poor thing. We do not feed them whole shrimp. We cut the shrimp into fingertip size peices and feed them one small peice every 3 to 5 days.
  7. qb6945

    Anemone Dying?

    We have 2 haitian anemone's. We feed them full shrimp cut into fingertip size peices one peice every 3 days. This is what the owner of the fish store told us to do. Thanks for all the responses.
  8. qb6945

    Anemone Dying?

    I do not know about the parameters at this current time, i can do some tests to find out.. This is my parents tank, and they have been in such a rush to put it all together.. I guess they will be learning the hard way. I will update with after i pull the test kit out.
  9. qb6945

    Anemone Dying?

    Originally Posted by meowzer Welcome to SWF...Sorry to see your anemone does not look too good. Can you post all the info on your size, age, lights, filtrations, water parameters? And we can go from there Currently i am working with a 100 gallon. It has 100 pounds of live rock...
  10. qb6945

    Anemone Dying?

    I took a few pics to show what its going through. I really have no idea whats wrong. You can't see it very well, but in the third pic it has some pink stuff over its mouth(or maybe that is its mouth.) Thanks in advance for any help.