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  1. lorene

    I feel like a cold blooded murderer

    Whew! I am back from the lfs and boy oh boy did I get a deal! I bought a 4 head Dunkin (Wisker) Coral for $17, 2 Anenome Crabs for $1.29each(They were sold as "Algae" Crabs but when I looked them up on SWF they are "Anenome" Crabs!) A nice head of Purple Tipped Condy Anenome for $20 and a nice...
  2. lorene

    I feel like a cold blooded murderer

    Oh, well a Coral Beauty is definately out! I have had my "fill" of aggressive fish! Maybe a PJ Cardinal instead of the CB? I am thinking a midas, a lawnmower or a bicolor (only 1 blenny though) I am also thinking of a couple of gobies: a purple firefish, a neon goby and a yellow watchman and...
  3. lorene

    I feel like a cold blooded murderer

    Whew! At least I am in good company! Everything else and everyone else in my tank is doing WONDERFUL! Params are at perfect, All is well and happy and we are very much enjoying all the life that seems to be growing! Just yesterday I finally saw some little copepod creatures running all over...
  4. lorene

    I feel like a cold blooded murderer

    Ok well for most of you that know I had some unknown (but suspected gorilla) crab in the crevice of one of my live rocks that came as a hitchiker. I did manage to see it one day and sadly yes it is a gorilla (at least I think so). I also was horrified to see that one of my crabs that I got...
  5. lorene

    Winning the war on Cyano!!!

    I just have the 1 damsel and the invertabrates and corals. I think most of my Cyano problem was from overfeeding. Its the Italian in me. I am always overfeeding, overcooking, overeating etc.... Just yesterday was our anniversary and what did I want to do? Cook a big meal of course! For the 4...
  6. lorene

    Winning the war on Cyano!!!

    OMG I am dancing (ok well in my head at least ) Its been a few days since I have seen any cyano growth! Water parameters are as follows: Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-0-10 Phosphate-0 Calcium-380 I am so happy!!! Woo hooo!!! 1 week to go and then...... MORE FRAGGIES!!!! Ok well maybe just a couple.
  7. lorene

    clam question.

    OOOH I am jealous! I want a Maxima SOOO badly! I dont think I have the right lighting (according to my lfs) for a Maxima. (29 Biocube stock lighting). I do have a cleaner oyster/clam (how do you tell the diff?) but he doesnt have all those cool colors to him. Maybe with my next...
  8. lorene

    Candy Cane Coral.

    Ok, someone correct me if I am wrong here. I read somewhere that you should put it towards the bottom of your tank and gradually bring it up to its permanent place as it may not like too much lighting. I have heard both sides of the sword on water flow. They dont like high flow and they...
  9. lorene

    I cannot believe it has been 9 Years

    My condolences to you. I had a brother that was murdered in Chicago from a robbery gone bad. I never knew him since my dad and mom split right after I was born but when I found my dad and heard this, it still affected me. I have a 16 year old daughter thats terminally ill. Its hard enought...
  10. lorene

    Water chemical balance

    Originally Posted by mnieder ok thanks. the green chromis is a very small fish and it is tolerant of crazy water conditions. They are very small and i was told to add them when the original levels dropped to finish the cycle. When I checked the levels today they were: ph: 8.0 Ammonia: 0...
  11. lorene

    There has to be a special place in HELL for these people

    This kind of sick garbage lies at the feet of our government in which I have little faith that TRUE justice will ever be served. I am the mother of 3 beautiful young girls (10, 12, 16). We homeschool because my oldest is terminally ill with a genetic heart condition and gammaglobulin...
  12. lorene

    My rocks STINK!!

    Originally Posted by Xcali1985 Just because your tank is reading 0 Ammo and 0 itrites doesn't mean the rock is cured, it simply means that there are enough nitrites to break down the ammo at the speed of decomp. And enough nitrates to break down the nitrites. Your rock can still be curing. So...
  13. lorene

    RIP mr. lionfish

    Originally Posted by sanchoy I just want to give tribute to my first saltwater fish. He died today after succumbing to an unknown disease. I had him for over 4 years now. I called him dagger. RIP Dagger the joyful memories we had together will last eternity. My sincerest condolences.
  14. lorene

    Fish neglect

    Originally Posted by florida joe I actually feed an average of 3x a day. The same time plus or minus ½ hr ok NOW I am confused! Isnt this overfeeding? I was told to only feed every couple days. Someone please advise!
  15. lorene

    Water chemical balance

    Originally Posted by mnieder All of the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates got down to 0 before i added the chromis and then when back up after i added them and now they are going back down. I thought that this was the reason for the chemical levels and that they just went up when i added the...
  16. lorene

    Water chemical balance

    Originally Posted by raymond2688 no way your tank is ready for fish.....and i agree with all above i have only been in this adiction for a bit over 4 months and if i can save just one person from the hell i experienced and the frustration from rushing and not listening..i would. my tank is 4...
  17. lorene

    Water chemical balance

    Originally Posted by Scott T I know its hard to wait to get everything in order with the tank, but reading on here and other places it takes a lot of paitence with a SWF tank. I have been reading and asking questions going on to 4 weeks. I see all the beautiful tanks with the Fish and Corals...
  18. lorene

    My rocks STINK!!

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef LOL I also think you're afraid to do anything wrong to your tank again YEAH you got that right! OH my poor little darlings suffered so much from my inexperienced ignorance! I am learning though and we all have to start somewhere. I just wish I would have listened...
  19. lorene

    My rocks STINK!!

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef Like a low tide smell? If everything else in your tank is okay, you're probably fine. My rocks always have a little bit of a scent to them, not like something inside them is dead though. Yeah its a "fishy" smell. Kind of "sulfury" too. Not overpowering, I mean...
  20. lorene

    Water chemical balance

    Originally Posted by mnieder My tank has been up and running for 3 weeks and for 2 with 5 green chromis. The chemical levels are: ph: 8.0 Nitrate: 0 ppm Nitrite: .25 ppm Ammonia: .5 ppm Is it ok to add a clown tonight? As long as you dont flush your toilet for a week then go snorkeling in it...