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  1. redpenny1

    micro bubbles?

    I try and keep it above the little glass window ,maybe i should get a new plastic hose for back there,its def worth a try .where do you have your heater back there? What all do you have back there? sorry, just being nosy...No one to compare with around here, only what i read on here.
  2. redpenny1

    micro bubbles?

    no air line and no i dont have the cap on,i could try to see if that works,its totally submerged, i also have the red algea, is that from no movement? i also have another powerhead in there.????
  3. redpenny1

    micro bubbles?

    I have a 14 bio cube and my oceanic pump quit after3 yrs so I bought a maxi-jet 800 (i think), and now i have micro bubbles, I can not figure out why. Has anyone else had this problem?
  4. redpenny1

    blackworm with stripes!

    thanks abunch! I think thats what it is, its strange to me that I had my tank for so long and never seen it before.
  5. redpenny1

    blackworm with stripes!

    Hello, I found something in my tank today, that I have never seen before. black worm with yellow stripes and it was in a hole, stretching its self out and eating off the rock, its mouth sortof looked like a brush and was retractable I cant get a pic because of where it is at. Does anyone have...
  6. redpenny1

    2 many fish?

    I have 1 adult clown and 1baby clown,I have the new LED setup from tunes. Why would an anemone matter?
  7. redpenny1

    2 many fish?

    I have 2 false perks and a alea blenny would a goby be to much?
  8. redpenny1


    Hello! I love saltwater, I have had my 14-cube for 3yrs . I want a bigger one,take things very slowwwwwww!
  9. redpenny1

    at my witts end...

    Thanks guys for the input Iwill try 4to 6 hours of light and see if things change.
  10. redpenny1

    2 many fish?

    I have a 14 gal cube was wondering if 4fish is too many?
  11. redpenny1

    at my witts end...

    yes have skimmer and powerhead, i have even put a stronger pump in the filter chamber.
  12. redpenny1

    at my witts end...

    i have always used distilled water,not added anything.i just cant figure it out.
  13. redpenny1

    at my witts end...

    almost a browish red
  14. redpenny1

    at my witts end...

    light are on usually from 10 to 10,2 false perks,1algae blenny,trumpet coral,orange ric,toadstool leather,green star polyps,few dif zoas,2 emerald crabs ,other snails and hermits. Water parameters :amonia 0,ph 7.8,nitrate 0, nitrite0,calm 440,alk 3. kits are Api , seachem. even my water is not...
  15. redpenny1

    at my witts end...

    3yr old 14g bio-cube, everything looks like it has dust on it,even the glass when i clean it off(everyday) it looks like dust.tests are all ok except ph 7.9 . lights are 2 months old LED from (tunes),i did a 2gal water change last eve and hoped that would help but this morn the same. please help.
  16. redpenny1


    does anyone here have an algae blenny? if so what do they eat besides algae?
  17. redpenny1


    i have a 14bio-cube my ph is always low. can anyone tell me why.
  18. redpenny1

    way confused and totally lost!!!!

    Things have sure changed since I was last on here. Just a quick question, does the ric guy in florida still sell them? Could someone please let me know. Thanks.
  19. redpenny1

    thoughts on LED lighting

    Thanks for the info, I ordered one from nanatunners and it is the cree LED, I havent gotten it yet but I cant wait.
  20. redpenny1

    does anyone here know ?

    does anyone know what can be kept under LED lighting? I cant seem to find it anywhere. Thanks.