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  1. deebluehippo1

    Protein skimmer

    I just bought a coral life 65gallon skimmer and there are so many micro bubbles in my tank. That little canister so it could prevent bubbles doesnt seem to be working. Im trying to play around with it so it could stop but its still giving bubbles. Im so fustrated right now:flame: is there...
  2. deebluehippo1

    Breaking apart

    So today i was looking at my zoo's and the i see that they there is 1 huge colony in 2 rocks i was trying to pull the 2 rocks apart but i was scared that i might there an easier way to do or should i just pull them apart??
  3. deebluehippo1


    So today i get my package with my alveopora frag in it and it looked odd. The water that it was in was brownish and it also smelled weird but when i took it out the bag it looked in good shape. It has been around 3hours or so that i put it in mi tank but i dont see any branches on it yet. Do...
  4. deebluehippo1

    should i be worried!?

    its a xenia coral. didn't this happen to your clown?
  5. deebluehippo1

    should i be worried!?

    so i have been noticing that my clown has some black spots and i don't know if its a bad thing should i be worried? I see that it has been hosting one of my corals should that be the problem and if so is there any way to solve it
  6. deebluehippo1

    need help asap

    ughh i dont know what to do :[
  7. deebluehippo1

    need help asap

    Quote: Originally Posted by deebluehippo1 but its a small tang like 1 inch but im going to still move it out in the future
  8. deebluehippo1

    need help asap

    but its a small tang like 1 inch
  9. deebluehippo1

    need help asap

    ughh really. what about doing the fresh water dip method to my fish? would you recommend that?
  10. deebluehippo1

    need help asap

    45 just some fish and inverts
  11. deebluehippo1

    need help asap

    i have been noticing on mi bluehippo some white specks on it and i got a feeling that it is itch. i have no idea what to do and the suckish part is that i have no quarantine tank so i think im screw
  12. deebluehippo1

    star fish

    what a day it was i was so frustrate but i guess all the hard work payed off
  13. deebluehippo1

    star fish

    i just bought my starfish and its floating in the bag i was wondering how do u acclimate them
  14. deebluehippo1

    Playoff baseball thread

    and the yankees are now 2-0
  15. deebluehippo1

    Playoff baseball thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Go YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all day :]
  16. deebluehippo1


    so would you recommend me to get a mushroom for my tank
  17. deebluehippo1


    oh sorry it was a statement
  18. deebluehippo1


    i am so surprise how much that coral eat
  19. deebluehippo1


    i think about getting my first coral wich its going to be a mushroom. the problem is that i dont know if i have enough lighting for it i got a 1bulb for a 45gallon