Search results

  1. fmarini

    210g Things with Stings tank.

    Finally progress- 2 stinking yr later... if you were to ask me, the tank too small. Bigger, Bigger, and at least taller.
  2. fmarini

    pterois sphex

    fascinating....a two-feer. Great looking fish, enjoy the rarity of them. On the mainlands here- we seldom see on- never mind a twofeer.
  3. fmarini

    Can you figure out what this is?

    snakeBlitz33- just to clarify, and i don't like the use of common names for identifying fish. But in general terms- the hawaiian lionfish, is NOT describing D brachypterus, and D brachypterus is not commonly found in the hawaiian islands. D brachypterus is the name usually associated w/ "dwarf...
  4. fmarini

    pterois sphex

    yuppers...a real live P Sphex Its pretty cool that you've got one, as Greg mentioned they are not to common on the mainland, primarily, because they look alot like P Antennata. As mentioned their care is similar to caring for the P Antennata-Mombasasse group. (theres a care section on P sphex in...
  5. fmarini

    Getting Frustrated

    in 16 gallons....... as you mentioned only a pair of hawaiian leaf fish, but thats about it. maybe a pygmy angler- but again- 16 gals is awefully small AS for looking for these fish- they come in-when they come in- a number of online vendors get leaffish, as for waspfish and rhinopias. Im aware...
  6. fmarini

    Moray eels in a 150 gal

    Maybe I can point out the obvious here. Zebra morays are pebbletoothed eels which favor and eat primarily crustaceans, so your fish tankmate populations are safe. They are very docile and only pose a threat to toppling your rockwork- I would consider them one of the best fish safest eels. In the...
  7. fmarini

    Wanting to start a Dwarf Lion Fish Tank

    Im tagging along too... Hows goes the tank? and thanks for reading the book- i hope it was helpful Honestly- the dwarf fuzzy recommendation is perfect. These are fantastic starter lions for a small tank, hardy, tankmate tolerant, and easy to wean. Plus as greg mentioned they got personality and...
  8. fmarini

    Fu Man Chu In With My Radiatas?

    wow-- choices in life.... i have to admit w/o seeing your current P radiatas, I'm not sure what to tell you. In general lionfish will eat other much smaller lionfish, but the size differential here might not be an issue. I had a full sized adult P volitans wolf down a newly introduced P radiata...
  9. fmarini

    Problem with starfish

    in my experience, when starfish start to die- its frequently a starvation issue, w/ the animal jettisoning legs, and eventually disaasembling
  10. fmarini

    blue finned/black foot lionfish

    Heres a excerpt freebie--taken from the book in my avatar Common Name:Blackfoot lion. Bluefin lion Maximum size: to 7” Minimum tank size: 40gallons The Bluefin lion is temperate water lionfish found in water ranging from 10 to 300 meters deep. It is a very unique lionfish in that it remains...
  11. fmarini

    blue finned/black foot lionfish

    You searched right..... because yes Saxman& cranberry have one and has posted a bunch of photos, and some husbandry info There is also a 3yr old thread from alfon76 that contains a bunch of photos what specificly are you looking for info wise
  12. fmarini

    Will A Volitan Lion Try To Eat These?

    as mentioned, i find that lionfish ignore, starfish, cukes, hermit crabs, and urchins. These can be your clean up crew. Small ornamental crabs and shrimp are frequently slurped up w/ abandon. A pom pom crab will do nothing but hide in your rockwork and you'll never see it w/ that lionfish in there.
  13. fmarini

    Most humane way to euthanize a fish?

    Not sure what to tell you, but is sounds like mr chromis is doing very poorly, i would remove him. As for what to do w him, thats up to you. you can choose to let him be or you can assist him. however its your choice     --Renee provided you similar choices as well.     Euthanasia in Fish...
  14. fmarini


    when i think of big aggressive fish- i think of big tanks 240-500gals and up 75gal-100 gals wont hold much fish, esp high waste producers.
  15. fmarini

    Lionfish question

    Cool tank-- he sure it little. The Volitans will easily be double that size in 8 months
  16. fmarini

    Lionfish question

    and chronic anorexia-- which sadly reads like your problem. If you cant entice the fish to eat live foods over the next 2-3 weeks- i would consider tube feeding this fish(do a google search for tubefeeding and lionfish). However you still have plenty of time, so try to ensure everything is...
  17. fmarini

    200g + 90g build/ideas! Advice, please!

    Interesting. I have no experience w/ cowfish -except for what I've seen in the LFS- Like cranberry says--they are adorable when small. I too have read the same stories as cranberry, about them being fin nippers, and about the toxin. Both of which i have no practical proof on. As for...
  18. fmarini

    FMarini Weaning Basket Question.

    I physically attached it to the sides of the tank so it didnt move around. But honestly you can use any container that allows viewing and water movement. The key is for the fish in the basket to view its surroundings and the other fish to view it. The basket is then used to train the fish to eat...
  19. fmarini

    Pajama babies, maybe?

    yup-- pyjama cardinal and almost all apogons are mouthbrooders. However unlike banggais which hold their eggs and fry for 21 days pyjama cardinals release planktonic fry around days 7-10. The fry are much much smaller than banggais and require rotifers
  20. fmarini

    ?g Medium Scorpion Tank.

    1,2,3 mombassae....