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  1. higgsj15

    HELP HELP HEL P HELP!!!!! Squirrel Fish.

    As of the moment no I don't have a camera my wife has it and she's out of town. I know it would benefit me to show you but I don't have a camera handy. I'm sorry
  2. higgsj15

    Can I feed my squirrel fish ghost shrimp?????

    What else would you recommend feeding him? Just wondering
  3. higgsj15

    Can I feed my squirrel fish ghost shrimp?????

    I know you can feed him crab as well but I was afraid to try other things because he was eating the brine shrimp so well.
  4. higgsj15

    HELP HELP HEL P HELP!!!!! Squirrel Fish.

    As of right now he has been alone for 8 months because he likes to eat everything. He has white spots around his face and lip and one spot on his body. Right now in my tank are 2 big bali rocks thats about it. I had this ich treatment awhile back..
  5. higgsj15

    HELP HELP HEL P HELP!!!!! Squirrel Fish.

    First off Thank You for replying because I feel horrible. All my parameters are great that's the first thing I did when he started to freak out. This is the first time I have ever fed this fish feeder shrimp. I have always fed him frozen brine for the past three years so I'm hoping hes just not...
  6. higgsj15

    HELP HELP HEL P HELP!!!!! Squirrel Fish.

    I have a squirrel fish and he was healthy a few minutes ago before I fed him ghost shrimp. My local fish store said it was O.K to feed them freshwater ghost shrimp and I even looked online and it said the same. At first he was eating them just fine then all of a sudden he starts shaking and...
  7. higgsj15

    Buying a 29 gallon BioCube HGI wondering what I should put into it.

    I know what I want to do with but I have no clude what to put into it. Also wondering if I should put a jet into it for alittle more waterflow. Im getting it next friday but was wondering if you guys had any ideas of what I could do with it. Im getting this little tank to experiment with coral...
  8. higgsj15

    My 25 gallon reef tank build!!!

    It looks awesome. I have been looking into buying a setup like that. I have a 55 gallon saltwater setup but I want something for my room and I thought maybe a 20 gallon would be nice. I don't know though I'm still pretty skeptical.
  9. higgsj15

    Can I feed my squirrel fish ghost shrimp?????

    I went to my LFS and they didn't accurately answer my question. So I was hoping my fellow hobbyists would help me out. Can I feed my squirrel fish ghost shrimp. I have been feeding him frozen brine but I want him to be able to chase his food. I just don't want the ghost shrimp to upset him?