Search results

  1. coachb

    MH for 55 corner tank?

    Appreciate the advice and realities of the various options. Thanks.
  2. coachb

    MH for 55 corner tank?

    I am looking to upgrade my 55 gal corner reef tank and be able to have some corals survive and thrive. Currently have 130 watts. Should I go for 250 watt MH or 400 W? Could I leave the glass top on or does this cause too much heat buildup. Thanks for any help and suggestions, I really am...
  3. coachb

    cynobacteria help

    Hope this is in the right thread, this has all changed since I have been here last. I don't see a search option so I thought I would post. My tank is going great (1 year old)but develops red cynobacteria about every three months. I have added a power head but it didn't seem to change the...
  4. coachb

    red algae on sand?

    I have some red stuff (algae) growing on my sand bed, is there anything that I can do to get it cleaned up? 55gal 2 clowns 1 royal gramma 1 coral beauty sally crab 15 blue leg cucumber sand sift star 4 feather dusters 2 umbrella mushrooms numerous snails
  5. coachb

    need a good pump, suggest please

    I need the pump for a wet/dry, would that be internal or external? Looking at Mag pumps on the net it looks as though they have an input and output hole as opposed to the RIO that has the input vents. Am I lookin at the right ones? How about pond pumps from home depot garden stores, any...
  6. coachb

    need a good pump, suggest please

    any suggestions where to order a Mag pump, lfs's only have Rio, is there a good online source? thanks
  7. coachb

    need a good pump, suggest please

    I have a Rio 1700 and it is now making loud noises and vibrating annoyingly, this is the second one I have had in 3 months. I have read where people do not like them much. Is there a better pump to get and where can I find it? Thanks, my wife is quite annoyed with the noise. 54 gal corner...
  8. coachb

    sand sifting houdini?

    thanks for the reassurance, I kind of figured he might be under the sand and I would not see him much but it is nice to hear from others. Thanks for the replys.
  9. coachb

    sand sifting houdini?

    thanks for the reassurance, I kind of figured he might be under the sand and I would not see him much but it is nice to hear from others. Thanks for the replys.
  10. coachb

    sand sifting houdini?

    Read a lot lately on sand sifting stars. Thought I would try one. I put him in Tues. and not 30 seconds later he disappeared, althought it looked like he buried himself as there seem to be an outline in the sand. My question for those of you experienced with these stars is; do these guys work...
  11. coachb


    How do you all do the super glue thing. Do you take out the rocks and dry or what? Fairl y new to reef and I haven't figured this one out yet. thanks for any help.
  12. coachb

    Cleaner crew

    I too received my first order from swf last week and I was very pleased. It did take a long time with all the bags etc but well worth the effort. My only "complaint" is they said to expect a week delay on first orders and I got it in 3 days. I was not quite ready but everything turned out great.
  13. coachb

    Cleaner crew

    I too received my first order from swf last week and I was very pleased. It did take a long time with all the bags etc but well worth the effort. My only "complaint" is they said to expect a week delay on first orders and I got it in 3 days. I was not quite ready but everything turned out great.
  14. coachb

    ricordia resuscitation

    I got 3 ricordia with my live rock purchase, two are doing great on the sand bed, the third is struggling, color is not bright and it does not spread out like the other two as I have tried several different spots (left it there for 2-3 days at each spot). Do any of you out there any ideas that...
  15. coachb

    sand sifting star ( to keep or not to keep)

    rhonda in denver where have you found a good lfs. I am in north denver and can't say I have found any great stores.
  16. coachb

    light for 54g corner

    Does anybody know of a good light setup for a 54 gal corner tank. It will fit a 30 inch light strip. I have found a jbj 130 W light strip but am afraid it does not have enough W for a reef tank with soft corals. Any ideas would be helpful. thanks
  17. coachb

    How much rock?

    I too have wondered how to safely stack the rock, just putting in lr today to start cycle in 54 corner Let's hear how you guys get those reefs looking so nice with stacked rock
  18. coachb

    attatch flex hose with?

    broomer5 do you have another method for the overflow bulkhead or do you agree I should glue it here? thanks broomer5, that makes sense to me, off to home depot shortly, appreciate all your help on the bb
  19. coachb

    attatch flex hose with?

    does the pvc glue go for the top of the wet/dry too? thanks
  20. coachb

    attatch flex hose with?

    thanks, just wanted to hear from an experienced person, i like to check on the bb before i do anytthing stupid, you all are a great help. thanks I'll get this glued and get the water in today, finally