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  1. channing93

    Red stuff on bottom of tank

    Do I need to get rid of it?
  2. channing93

    Something in my live rock??? help

    Seems pretty accurate just need to know if I should remove it? I don't want it to kill my coral or anything
  3. channing93

    Red stuff on bottom of tank

    3months or so, it is brownish it just popped up almost over night so I was worried
  4. channing93

    Red stuff on bottom of tank

    t's popped up pretty fast i was gone for the weekend i got back and my tank was red >.>
  5. channing93

    Something in my live rock??? help

    you can see the little clear strands coming out of the rock there's two places that do this
  6. channing93

    Red stuff on bottom of tank

    haaha you want a pic for everything huh ? :P
  7. channing93

    Something in my live rock??? help

    I can try its really hard to see it the only reason i saw it was because i was pulling sand to its hole
  8. channing93

    Red stuff on bottom of tank

    I've got a redish/brown stuff growing on the bottom of my tank on-top of the sand and im wondering what it is and why its there is kind of furry looking
  9. channing93

    Something in my live rock??? help

    There is a clear thing in my live rock thats throwing out these tentacle looking things into my sand and over the live rock and pulling sand and whatever else it can bring back to its little hole in the live rock i poked it earlier and it retracted all its little arms I've found two so far and...
  10. channing93

    135 gallon round reef tank table build

    Or maybe for covering the center you can get a larger piece of live rock and you could drill it out to make it a fit cover the pump that way you'd still be able to cover it in real coral just an Idea if your planning on adding coral to the tank instead of having some fake stuff in there:)
  11. channing93

    125G Pictoral Diary

    Glad to hear it Anti i just literally read this thread from start to finish looks like you had an amazing SW aquarium and am looking forward to your new tank :) Good luck hope things go a little better for you and i hope you are in an area with less power outages :P
  12. channing93

    Coral detached from rock please help

    Well meow it's got some rock ruble stuck to its foot could i glue it to the rock stuck on the foot and a piece of LR? just long it enough for it to reattach?
  13. channing93

    Coral detached from rock please help

    Will super glue be okay? also is it normal for it to have 3 mouths?
  14. channing93

    135 gallon round reef tank table build

    looks like a pretty cool project following this one :D
  15. channing93

    Coral detached from rock please help

    I have a Florida ricordea that has been attached to a piece of live rock for almost 3weeks now I get hone today and its on the sand D:! What do I do? The ricordea has three mouths so idk if they are trying to split or what?
  16. channing93

    Adding new sand to active tank

    Okay thank you :)
  17. channing93

    Adding new sand to active tank

    Weel I am now ::P I was just liking your advice lol, which reminds me could you let me knownwhat I need to do to switch my filters ? I just got my smaller one that you said I should get to help with the sand displacement
  18. channing93

    Adding new sand to active tank

    Alright will do :) thanks for the help, and thanks for never replying to my email :P haha
  19. channing93

    Adding new sand to active tank

    So id have to Use non live sand?
  20. channing93

    Adding new sand to active tank

    I have a false percula clown, hermits snails a pencil urchin and a blue/orange Florida ricordea