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  1. zoecat118

    New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build

    Lol... Thats an old pic but I have several clusters of them around the tank now.
  2. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    I bought a deep blue led strip recently. I love it.
  3. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    Wow..I havent posted in forever. My tank is doing great. Bought some more toys.
  4. zoecat118

    New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build

    Hey E, its Vicky. Your setup looks amazing. Congrats on finally upgrading..I know you have been talking about it for
  5. zoecat118

    New 300 gallon In-Wall tank build

    Looking Good
  6. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    So recently I bought an Ultra orange Acan for 20 dollars along with a gorgeous orange plate coral. Everything is doing real well.
  7. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    A few weeks ago I bought a Flame Angel and a Firefish Goby. They are doing great. Recently a new saltwater store opened and I bought a frogspawn, rose tip bubble Anemone, Daisy coral frag and a whisker coral frag. I cant wait till the Anemone gets bigger and my clownfish host it.
  8. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    Im soo happy. I got my tax refund and ordered a AquaC Remora protein skimmer and a refugium. HeHe!!! I cant wait. Bought two clowns and a yellow tang on weds. Came home today (friday) and the tang was stuck in a barnacle cluster, my mom (who watches my kids at my house) said it was in there in a...
  9. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    I bought a Blue Linkia Starfish on Monday, along with a emerald crab, a peppermint shrimp and a skunk cleaner, also a yellow watchman goby. The starfish has these white spots on him and I dont know why. Is he dying? I tested my water and its fine. I acclimated him for 3 hours with the drip...
  10. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    So my 2 yr old decided my fish were hungry while I was at work, and dumped all the food in the tank. By time I got home it was nasty. Killed my clowns and my shrimp but most of my crabs and snails made it. I guess it was a good thing that I didnt buy a Blue Hippo Tang the day before when I was...
  11. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

  12. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    So the tank is cycled and I bought a pair of Common Clownfish. The larger Clownfish doesnt have the black edges on his or her fins. When i got them they were the only two in the tank, I am assuming they are a "pair" . Its been four days and they are always together and seem to eat well. This...
  13. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

  14. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    I want a reef tank
  15. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    Space is a big issue, because i don't have any. I'm thinking come tax return time, trying to put a sump under the tank in the cabinet. I dont plan on getting any corals for several months.
  16. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 Welcome to the site! I think most of the equipment you have is good for the tank... the light you provide the link to is definitely suitable for corals imo... I have a question, though... you say that you want to set it up as a FOWLR... but then you say...
  17. zoecat118

    My New "Again" 55 Gallon

    Six years ago I had a 55 gal FOWLR tank. Had kids so I took down. Within the last month I put it back up. Its has about 65 lbs of live rock, an old skimmer ( I intend to replace it later), canister filter with a UV sterilizer, 1 old powerhead which i plan on replacing with two bigger and...
  18. zoecat118

    tanked the tv show. cycling?

    I agree. I love seeing all of the different types of aquariums, but its just so inaccurate. It would be nice if they could give more details about lighting, filtration, etc., but I think the general public wouldn't understand or care.