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  1. xandrew245x

    40 gal breeding question

    And I am talking about when they are grown to the size you want to sell them at.
  2. xandrew245x

    Cycling new ten gal with very min live rock.

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc You are making a simple job into a complex undertaking. Just put the krill (the equivalent size of a cocktail shrimp) into the tank for a week - if the ammonia doesn't rise, your tank is adequately cycled and is ready for a fish (one only). If the ammonia...
  3. xandrew245x

    40 gal breeding question

    I don't know very much about breeding, but I wouldn't put more than 10-20 in a 10 gallon tank, and that's personally way to many even for my liking, 400-500 is way out of the question for a 40 in my eyes.
  4. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    Yeah, I am glad I had the insurance to cover it. I am really happy that I am able to have a fish room, it will just make everything so much easier. I got a killer deal on all the equipment I only paid $400 for all of it.
  5. xandrew245x

    Cycling new ten gal with very min live rock.

    Are you testing for ammonia every day? From what I know there is no such thing as "to alive" The cycle begins from waste breaking down and turning into ammonia, the bacteria in the live rock grow through your cycle to handle the load, and once your ammonia spike is over, the parameters start to...
  6. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    Luckily I didn't even have enough water to come above the carpet, but it soaked the carpet, so it had to go. This time I put tile in so if it happens again, its a nice easy clean up. I am hoping since I have to go to homedepot sometime this week for more grout I can pick up the wood to build...
  7. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    My basement was already finished, but I actually had a flood due to a sump pump failure(partially my fault for not replacing it) So I ripped the carpet out, cashed my insurance check and started laying tile. I plan on having a 40g container to store fresh water for water changes, but I don't...
  8. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    I plan on using it for a reef tank, I already have the fish picked out I want, and some corals. I forgot to mention that I also received 9 brand new T5 bulbs, and the light just had new bulbs put in before he took the tank down. Everything is on hold at the moment because I am currently...
  9. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    Okay, well what do you think of using a container with a float valve and a regular valve so when I need to fill I can open it and let it fill, the float will shut it off until I get back to shut the manual valve, then have an ATO hooked to a pump to top of the tank when needed.
  10. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    My Ro system only has a 3 gallon reservoir and only produces about a gallon an hour, therefore even if I was gone for 8 hours(the most I am ever gone on a regular basis) it would only dump at most 11 gallons into my system, which is manageable. I don't see a problem with that, and if I am gone...
  11. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    I don't want to have to keep filling a container up for top of water, I did that with my last one and i would rather not go that route again. The only way I can think of making it more safe is using a container with a pump or solenoid valve thats on a timer for extra saftey, the container have...
  12. xandrew245x

    75 Gallon build

    After being out of the hobby for over a year, I have the urge to try again. My first attempt was with a used 75 gallon set up, I was so new and the tank was an impulse buy and I ended up not being happy with it. After failing and losing overall interest with it I decided to sell. Since then I...
  13. xandrew245x

    75 gallon tank build!

    I think i'm going to add the peppermint right to the tank, but i'm going to quarentine the fish to be safe.
  14. xandrew245x

    75 gallon tank build!

    Its been a while since updated. I had a loss, my one clownfish somehow got into my sump again, and the current pulled him against a baffle and he got wedge in between the egg crate and baffle some how, he didn't make it. I was sad when I found him in the morning :cry: My QT is all set up, my...
  15. xandrew245x

    I'm finally up and running!!!

    Yeah I was told to get prime to, if there is a rise in your QT ammonia, add someone then plan a water change. I bought some prime and was planning on doing this for my QT.
  16. xandrew245x

    I'm finally up and running!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Southern Wolf What is the purpose of these two? If ammonia is present, you add the proper dosage and it makes the ammonia non toxic to your fish, but it is still there so it can be turn into nitrite by your bacteria, and help them grow.
  17. xandrew245x

    I'm finally up and running!!!

    Honestly, using Dt water to seed your QT really doesn't work, the water itself doesn't really hold the beneficial bacteria, you need something like a filter sock, sponge or live rock, thats what holds your good bacteria.
  18. xandrew245x

    I'm finally up and running!!!

    Good idea! I still have to add my sponges to my sump. I only have my LR, empty filter sock and some macro algae as filtration right now. I noticed that my QT has had some evaporation and was down about a half gallon of water this morning. took some water from my DT and put in in the QT.  I'm...
  19. xandrew245x

    I'm finally up and running!!!

    Marvel, here is a pretty quick way to cycling a QT. I have two pieces of foam that I alternate washing every water change. I took a piece of that foam, which is full of good bacteria and such, and stuck it in my canister filter for my QT, along with the normal foam and media in there. This will...
  20. xandrew245x

    Killed my aiptasia anemones with.....

    Joes juice instantly made them dissapeer before my eyes, it was like magic, on my next livestock order I was going to get two peppermint shrimp for the exact reason :).