I'm finally up and running!!!


Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/60#post_3465372
Plus the manager new me so he even knock that down a bit (snakes method "get to know the LFS").
+1 to that! I bought 4 green chromis and my LFS only charged me for two. Not a huge savings or anything but I am in there so often now...they always take some $$ off :). If you can, definately get to know your LFS owner, etc.


Originally Posted by Icedtc http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/80#post_3465373
+1 to that! I bought 4 green chromis and my LFS only charged me for two. Not a huge savings or anything but I am in there so often now...they always take some $$ off :). If you can, definately get to know your LFS owner, etc.
I have 3 or so LFS options. None with rave reviews, but before I make any purchases I'll be visiting each one and pretending to not know anything about starting a tank and see what type of help I get. That factored in with cost will go a long way in making me a patron.


Originally Posted by MarvelFan http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/80#post_3465378
I have 3 or so LFS options. None with rave reviews, but before I make any purchases I'll be visiting each one and pretending to not know anything about starting a tank and see what type of help I get. That factored in with cost will go a long way in making me a patron.
Very smart idea. I did the same because I have two LFS and wasn't sure which to use. When I played dumb I easily saw who was trying to get more $$ out of me. But luckily the 1 closest to me was very honest. Telling me to ensure I watch the fish eat before I purchase anything, the signs of a sick fish, etc.
Meanwhile the other place was going to sell me a Yellwo Tang when I told them I had a 35 gallon tank.
Great idea...hope you find a good place!


I just finished my testing for the night. The DT with the shrimp tested perfect.
pH 8.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
SG 1.027
Keep in mind the shrimp was just a pile of mush at this point. I wouldn't even have been able to get it out if I hadn't put it into a stocking. I tossed the shrimp out.
I cleaned out any debris in teh QT and ran a test.
pH 8.4
Ammonia 1.0 ppm
Nitrite .25
Nitrate 0
SG 1.025
Guessing I just give the QT more time and don't change the water until the ammonia and nitrite drop?
Looking good though!


Marvel, here is a pretty quick way to cycling a QT. I have two pieces of foam that I alternate washing every water change. I took a piece of that foam, which is full of good bacteria and such, and stuck it in my canister filter for my QT, along with the normal foam and media in there. This will give you almost an instant cycle, I left the foam in there for about a week, then took it back to my DT, but my QT is now cycled.


Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/80#post_3465461
Marvel, here is a pretty quick way to cycling a QT. I have two pieces of foam that I alternate washing every water change. I took a piece of that foam, which is full of good bacteria and such, and stuck it in my canister filter for my QT, along with the normal foam and media in there. This will give you almost an instant cycle, I left the foam in there for about a week, then took it back to my DT, but my QT is now cycled.
Good idea! I still have to add my sponges to my sump. I only have my LR, empty filter sock and some macro algae as filtration right now. I noticed that my QT has had some evaporation and was down about a half gallon of water this morning. took some water from my DT and put in in the QT. I'm thinking about doing a 10% water change this weekend on the MT and putting the pristine water (0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 0 Nitrates) into the QT. I think it should cycle over the next week. Last night i was finally seeing Nitrites in the QT tests.
I was just reading an article on here about QT/Hospital tanks, https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/a/quarantine-or-hospital-tank
In the article they mention feeding the live rock. I haven't put any food into my DT at all yet. Do you need to feed the LR fish food. I thought that was just for cycling. I don't want to starve my rock.
I was feeding Ocean Nutrition algae to my snails in the QT take for a little while. There is still some debris left on the bottom of the QT. I'm thinking that is adding to the ammonia levels.
Since I placed my snails back in the DT I gave them a piece of algae last night. Attached it with a rubber band to the rock.
I'm hoping to see a drop in ammonia over the weekend.



Good idea! I still have to add my sponges to my sump. I only have my LR, empty filter sock and some macro algae as filtration right now. I noticed that my QT has had some evaporation and was down about a half gallon of water this morning. took some water from my DT and put in in the QT.  I'm thinking about doing a 10% water change this weekend on the MT and putting the pristine water (0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 0 Nitrates) into the QT.  I think it should cycle over the next week. Last night i was finally seeing Nitrites in the QT tests.
I was just reading an article on here about QT/Hospital tanks, https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/a/quarantine-or-hospital-tank
In the article they mention feeding the live rock. I haven't put any food into my DT at all yet. Do you need to feed the LR fish food. I thought that was just for cycling. I don't want to starve my rock.
I was feeding Ocean Nutrition algae to my snails in the QT take for a little while. There is still some debris left on the bottom of the QT. I'm thinking that is adding to the ammonia levels. 
Since I placed my snails back in the DT I gave them a piece of algae last night. Attached it with a rubber band to the rock.
I'm hoping to see a drop in ammonia over the weekend. 
WOAH WAIT! You topped your evaporated water from your QT with your DT water, top off water should only be made with fresh water, water evaporates, salt doesn't so if you top off with saltwater, you constantly add salt and increase your salt content.


Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/80#post_3465516
WOAH WAIT! You topped your evaporated water from your QT with your DT water, top off water should only be made with fresh water, water evaporates, salt doesn't so if you top off with saltwater, you constantly add salt and increase your salt content.
You are correct. I am aware. The salinity of my DT is a bit higher then my QT tank. by .002. I took about 1/2 a gallon of my DT water out and let my ATO run. I checked the salinity of both tanks and there was no noticable change in either. I'm not going to make a habit of it. I figured it would help seed the QT a bit quicker, but I'm not really sure it will make any difference to be honest with you. Patience is key.
No harm done!
Water Changes - use saltwater
Top offs - use RO/DI water


Honestly, using Dt water to seed your QT really doesn't work, the water itself doesn't really hold the beneficial bacteria, you need something like a filter sock, sponge or live rock, thats what holds your good bacteria.


I picked up a bottle of Prime today to have on hand for when I'm ready to start quarantining my fish. My understanding is to use it only for my water changes when necessary. If I do a 10% change for example on a 10 gallon tank, I would only treat the 1 gallon of change water with (2 drops for the 1 gallon of water). Does this sound correct. I wouldn't treat the entire tank volume every 24 hours (Since Prime only deactivates ammonia, nitrite, nitrates for 24 hours).
Only treat volume of change water?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/80#post_3465773
Why would you be treating your QT for ammonia.......
See....I knew I wasn't crazy, that was went thru my head. I use a sponge that sat in my main fully established tanks sump. I also used water from that tank to fill the 10g quarantine tank....I then added a dose of Biozyme to help build good bacteria on the plastic decoration (it looked better than a piece of PVC pipe) I added for the bacteria to grow on. No sand, and no live rock. I use an overflow penguin type filter. I then have a little desk lamp for light...nothing fancy to say the least. I swap out a gallon of water every other day only because I have two tiny 1 inch pipefish in quarantine, otherwise a gallon each day. There is no ammonia to worry about at all. keep it topped off.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/80#post_3465773
Why would you be treating your QT for ammonia.......
My understanding is that it is a preventative measure, or to be used when (for some reason or another) ammonia, nitrite or nitrate is found to be present. I never plan to use it in my display tank, but I figured since I have no LR in my QT that there may be more of a chance for a sudden ammonia spike. I bought it as a precaution, but I've been reading people use it in small doses during water changes to be on the safe side.
My QT test last night showed Ammonia 1, Nitrite 1 and Nitrate 5 ... I'm still waiting the cycle out. I haven't added anything to the tank. It was recommended that I take some of my seeded LR rubble and place it in my HOB filter to help seed the filter. I may do that.


I just placed a sump sponge into my sump. I'll let it seed for a while and I'll place it in my QT. I'm assuming is that the consensus is that a well seeded sponge will be able to help fight off spikes.
So basically the sponge acts similar to live rock in that regard?


Yeah I was told to get prime to, if there is a rise in your QT ammonia, add someone then plan a water change. I bought some prime and was planning on doing this for my QT.


Didn't check my QT yet today but I did pick up a reef testing kit to check out the DT today.
SG 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
KH 11 degrees (196.9 ppm)
Calcium 380 (I think i did this right, but the test kit says it should be between 400-500. Did know where to stop. I went purple to dark blue and stopped)
Phospahate 0.25 ppm
So I think it overall is looking pretty good. I'll be checking my QT either tonight or tomorrow depending on my schedule.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Just set everyone straight on the use of Amquel+ or Prime. They are just for back up use while you are QT a fish, not to be used during your cycling. If you use it during cycling you are defeating the bacteria growth to consume the ammonia. While you are QT a new fish test ammonia daily, if there is a rise in ammonia, first try a water change. If this is not doing the job then use Amquel+ or Prime, the use of these product is not the answer to all your ammonia problems it is just a quick fix. You need to find out why your filtration dose not handle the waste of one fish and fix the problem B4 you get another fish.


Active Member
I wouldn't use any of that stuff in QT or my DT period....If your levels start to rise in your QT why not a simple water change.....A lot more effective IMHO.......