I'm finally up and running!!!


Originally Posted by DustinTX http:///t/390857/im-finally-up-and-running/20#post_3463687
I dont see the problem. Just dont go throwing the entire bag in there,haha
LOL.. yeah.. i think that would wreck havoc on my sense of smell as well. I think a single shrimp will do the job!
Looking for some recommendations on sock filters as well that I may be able to add to my overflow drain. I heard you can buy them but I was wonder if anyone has a clever way to make them so they can be washed and reused.


I bought one from lfs and kept re using them after washing them.


Ok.. any opinions on the media to use. I'm seeing a lot of people using purigen and a filter sock. What micron sock is recommended?
Thanks for all the replies so far. Very helpful!


I use a 200 micron sock, clogs up less often.
I'd use one or two shrimp tops, and stick them in a bag so you can fish them out easier.
The only media I run is Boyd Chemi Pure Elite, best stuff EVER! It takes care of phosphates too and balances the pH. Just make sure you rince it really well before you throw it in there.


Just throw the filter sock by itself in the washing machine with no soap or anything and run a cycle, let it air dry and there ya go clean filter sock.


Sweet... Thanks guys.. just bought a 200 micron filter sock and 11.74 oz of Chemi-Pure. Also picked up some Berlin BS-1 and BS-2 sump sponges. Figure I could use the 14" sponge for extra mechanical filtration in stage one in stage one before the refugium and the smaller one to help quiet down my pump.


When using sponge in your sump, make sure to take one piece out a week and rinse it in saltwater, don't clean both of them at once.


I did some aqua-scaping with my live rock. I like the way it looks, but I created a bunch of overhangs that block the light. I had to adjust the lighting position and bring the light all the way to the front. The back of the tank still is lit, just not as bright. When I end up adding some corals they will be in the front on the LR,so I guess that's where the light should be focused anyways? It took several attempts to get the rock positioned just right. While I used the heavies rock on the bottom and placed the lightest/smallest pieces towards the top I"m wondering what will happen when I get some life moving around in there. Is there a big risk of falling rock breaking glass. I'm wondering if I should use some sort of adhesive for at least the top pieces? Opinions? What do you guys use?


andrew already got you covered so I will comment on your aquascaping.
I like it!


Active Member

Yeah the sponge will hold good bacteria, and it will also hold detritus and things like that, so it needs to be cleaned, but if you were to clean both at one time, it could possibly crash the tank.
Wouldn't cause a tank crash!!!


So to get this straight, am I playing with fire if I use sponges. What types of mechanical filtration are recommended or preferred by most reefers?


I use sponge without any issues. Just do as andrew here suggested.


Ok..thanks all. After all the work I'm putting into getting this tank up and running I'd hate to see something catastrophic occur!


Just to update...
It was a bittersweet night. I got my Eshopp overflow installed and running. Took a little modifying to get it to run quiet and all set up. The bulk head leaked, but I through some thread tape on there and we are now golden.
I was trying to rig up my return pump to a float switch last night. I did the DIY extension cord and $5 float switch combo from melevsreef.com (http://www.melevsreef.com/plumbing/auto_topoff.html).
Turns out that these little switches can't handle much of load. The little bugger overheated and is stuck in the on position now.
I bought a second one and tested it with a small desk lamp and even that one burned up. After some exploring I found and ordered a Pumpstopper kit from a site called aquahub. Looks like these switches require a relay to protect them from the current load of the pump. Not to expensive either!
I did another round of water tests to see if anything had changed over the last 3 days. Similar results:
Salinity 1.027
Ph - 8.0? (I can't for the life or me read this test accurately)
Ammonia - 0.5 ppm
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
I threw in a piece of shrimp in a pair of pantyhose hung them in over the side. I'll give it a couple days and check the readings again.
I guess now I just wait and see what happens


Sounds like you are getting things going now!
Just a quick question, why are you setting up a float switch on your return pump?