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  1. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  2. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  3. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  4. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  5. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  6. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  7. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  8. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

  9. muse1

    The ocean in the wall

    Hi everyone, been a while since I was on here, but I wanted to share some pictures. I know we all love saltwater life. We have a custom airbrushing business and are currently doing a wall mural at a church with a sea scene, so I wanted to share with you. These are just some individual...
  10. muse1

    Custom Aquarium Furniture...

    I have a friend that uses a panel with about 12 different switches. Each switch is for one thing, skimmer, pump, return pump, sea swirl ect. He bought it from a DJ equiptment place. If memory serves me right I think he only paid about 40.00 buck for it. Very cool idea. One flip of a switch...
  11. muse1

    Tiffany's 400G build thread

    How's your blue doing? dId she start swimming and perk up?
  12. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    Haven't put to much thought into it yet. But for sure a clown trigger and the humahuma. Other than that not to sure. gotta get the tank first. soon...
  13. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    we want to do another 125 to 150 folwr. unless we magically come across something bigger. We need a saltwater addicts annomyous
  14. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    o mag. lol I didn't test yet today. ugh. My husband does the testing mostly. We recently hooked up a calcuim reactor and a bio-pellet reactor. so he is on the testing constanly. must be good cause he hasnt freaked out.
  15. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    Did I put "mag" somewhere? idk Short of sticking in a tape measure I would guess-ta-mate about 3 1/2 4 inches round. his base has got to be like 5 inches long. He looked like and ice cream cone standing up when we tried to place him on the rock we wanted him on. Had to settle for the sand...
  16. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    Ha here is the answer...duh. He has good flow and waves around nicely. real smooth like. I promise I can read.
  17. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    Thats ok. He cost me $35.00 water 1.024 ph. 8.1 no2 alk 0 no3 0 cal. 400 temp 78 we have two hydor pumps on each side but only one is on constanly. the other we turn on occasionaly, then the return pumps there are four arms. Plus one little hydor pump on the back wall at bottom just to have...
  18. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    And I'm a her.
  19. muse1

    Nursing my anemone

    Lol i know i know. But I can't move him. finally got him where I want him. We feed brine shrimp, occasionally mysis, and prawns, but those are a pain cause I have to shuck them first. and Zoo. What do you feed yours?