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  1. queen angel


    Just checking on the puffer?? Is everything going smoothly with the hubby gone?? Is the skimmer giving you problems still??
  2. queen angel


    WOW, sounds like everything went beautifully...Congrats to you and your wife on your wonderful addition!! :)
  3. queen angel

    how old are you?

    I am 22...
  4. queen angel

    coral surpise!

    PUFFER...take the colt and run, I am sure he will have no problem with a suprise like that. I think it is a great idea to have a suprise for him when he gets home, I know that my boyfriend likes suprises for his tank no matter what shape or size!! :D
  5. queen angel

    BB CRAZY!!!

    I am a new member of this site and have spent numerous hours reading and scanning through all the information I can...considering this forum covers a little of everything I spend most of my time here.... I have to ask how much time do you spend on the BB? Because ever since I signed on it is...
  6. queen angel

    Prices for RO water

    we pay .50 cents a gallon at our lfs....we are seriously looking into purchasing our own machine...
  7. queen angel

    Nano clean up crew?

    Thanks Predator.. I was really waiting for some advice before returning to the lfs today...I will definitey try to keep everyone posted, I will try to get some pics out there soon.
  8. queen angel

    Is this too many fish?

    I would add the percs as well. It's not like any of the fish you have or messy eaters or big waste producers.
  9. queen angel

    Nano clean up crew?

    Hey guys...I was speaking with the lfs tonight about a clean up crew for my 6 gallon nano. I wanted to run it by the board to see if what I had in mind seems sufficient for my setup. I have 26watts of cf, a 201, 3in dsb, 15lb live rock, neon blue damsel, yellow polyps, green spotted...
  10. queen angel


    Thank you...
  11. queen angel


    Well I have to disagree with you Kris, my boyfriend my no means possible has been an ass about the fact that I have finally taken an interest in a hobby that he absolutely loves. I did not ask you your opinion of my boyfriend, I asked for your opinion about my saltwater tank. I would appreciate...
  12. queen angel


    I have a 6 gallon with two 13 watt compact fluorescents over 15lb live rock, 20lb live sand, and a neon blue damsel. My boyfriend is willing to give me a colony of yellow polyps, some green stripped and blue mushrooms, green and white star polyps and a colt frag. My question is how long should I...
  13. queen angel

    Harley vs The Tank update

    Ramey70 This is one that I am not sure anyone on this site is qualified to answer or to give advice to. I personally am not the aquar-aholic that my boyfriend is, but I would never ask him to give up his tank or worse make him feel inferior for his likes. But I have to say that it has been...
  14. queen angel

    Nano Lighting

    Predator Thank you for all the help you have offered me, I am new to the hobby and it is nice to know I can find helpful support at Also, the website that you linked me to gave me inexpensive ways to improve my lighting, which in turn will give me the opportunity to keep a...
  15. queen angel

    Nano Lighting

    I currently have an eclipse 6 and am looking to upgrade the lighting. Does any one know of a site or retro fit kit? Or even a bulb upgrade? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />