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  1. a&m aggie 04'

    Hair Algae Coming Back!!!

    lights are only a few months old...4 VHO's lights are on for approximately 9 hours...i've since completely turned them off while I'm out of town. Not feeding anything right now as I've removed all the fish from the tank. When I get back I'm going to order a sea hare and let him have at it. Do...
  2. a&m aggie 04'

    Hair Algae Coming Back!!!

    I do have a sump...I will get some macro in there when i get back. Maybe it'll outbattle the hair algae. MD
  3. a&m aggie 04'

    Hair Algae Coming Back!!!

    I was battling hair algae a few months back so I completely broke down my tank, cleaned the entire tank, removed the rocks - scrubbed the rocks to rid the algae, washed them with salt water, scubbed them again, etc. In the meantime, I replaced my RO/DI Unit with a 5 stage. I'm getting 0 on my...
  4. a&m aggie 04'

    Return Pump Advice...

    I understand flow rate. What I'm looking for is opinions on what return pump ppl are using. I'm going to compliment it with a couple Hydor 4's in the display for water movement. Has anyone used the Poseidon Titanium?
  5. a&m aggie 04'

    Return Pump Advice...

    Haven't been around here much lately but am about to get a little more involved with my tank. I'm upgrading to a 90 gallon and need some pump help. What external pump do you recommend. I've read reviews, but figured advice is best coming from a better source than someone selling the product...
  6. a&m aggie 04'


    My calcium is off the Salifert Charts (high), my Mag is also high at around 1500. Alk is low at 5.5 (i always forget the label- but its low not high). I've stopped dosing for now, whats the best way to my water chemistry back in check. MD
  7. a&m aggie 04'


    I've been in the process of moving for the last few months and my tank has taken a hit because of it. My calcium and mag levels seem to be elevated and my alk is down. I've stopped dosing the calcium part of my additive but continued to dose the alkalinity part. The problem I'm experiencing...
  8. a&m aggie 04'

    does this setup look ok to you all?

    I'm not sure I'd put a brick into the tank, can't really know whats all in it. Whats keeping it from sitting flush on the bottom of the sump?
  9. a&m aggie 04'

    My Maroon Clown feeds his .........

    to completely get rid of ich you have to have a fish free system for a certain amount of time...forget the exact amount of time (45 days sounds right). If you are keeping a fish in your system ich could still be present even though the particular fish isnt showing any signs. I'd really...
  10. a&m aggie 04'

    A sad day

    guess you know now that anything the puffer can fit into its mouth it will eat.
  11. a&m aggie 04'

    Comment on my Water Test Results

    just making sure it wasnt hair algae you were talking about. That certainly could be due to natural light hitting your tank but its not a big problem. You could add some alk buffer to slightly raise your ALK...I use baked baking soda to raise mine.
  12. a&m aggie 04'

    Comment on my Water Test Results

    your alk and mag are a little low but its nothing to be terribly worried about. Do bi-weekly water changes and you shouldnt have any problems. Can you describe this "green algae" in more detail? it on the rock, glass, sand, etc? MD
  13. a&m aggie 04'

    Wanting to do the reef tank ThAnG

    Im not sure on the difference between those but I do notice that you dont want 5500k metal halide bulbs...your tank will be yellow unless you throw lots of actinic supplement at it. I also see that you are going with 175Watt bulbs, on a 55 which is shallow they would do just fine. MD
  14. a&m aggie 04'

    Wanting to do the reef tank ThAnG

    id go with 250 watt halides...think they cover 2 feet wide each, so if the tank is 4 feet long you'll need 2 of them.
  15. a&m aggie 04'

    Softies Q's

    any soft coral should do fine in your tank. Zoanthids are my favorite. What kinda of lights are you running? What are your water parameters? MD
  16. a&m aggie 04'

    Wanting to do the reef tank ThAnG

    A well designed canopy would be the 1st thing I'd look at. A picture of what ur working with now would really help. As for the fans, id say replace them when they quit running. Id remove them and look at the inners of them. They might be rusted and such from the salt water, in that case I'd...
  17. a&m aggie 04'

    LPS are dying...

    ill shoot them a syringe of brine or cyclops every couple of weeks. I'll get on the water changes to see if it helps. My waterflow hasnt changed. MD
  18. a&m aggie 04'

    tank set up. should i fight the algae or let it go

    Id clean it off the best I could. Is it a thin brown algae on the glass?? Start the lighting period for a few hours a day and slowly work your way up. On a tank that new diatoms are common and should go away with age. HTH MD
  19. a&m aggie 04'

    Coralline algae

    i think its more water chemistry than lighting. You need to keep your calcium up around 430-450 and you need to actually buy a rock with corraline already on it so that it can spread. MD
  20. a&m aggie 04'

    Wanting to do the reef tank ThAnG

    if you want to keep SPS and clams, MH is a must. On a 55 gallon id go with 2- 250Watt MH bulbs. I dont run MH so others will have to chime in on what bulb and ballast would be best. If you just wanna keep LPS and softies you can go with VHO or PC. I run 4 VHO's on a 58 gallon with an IceCap...