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  1. bad_fish

    air or not to air

    Thanks all. I do have pretty good surface aggitation, so I guess I will do without the air stone. I remember when I had it on there originally it did make the salt crust all over the tank lid and light. Thanks for the help. bad
  2. bad_fish

    air or not to air

    Question from a rookie. Do you need to airate (sp) the tank or not? I had originally, but LFS said it was harmful to salt water fish. I have a couple of fish and a couple of inverts in a 25g. Should I run an airstone or not? Thanks. bad
  3. bad_fish

    inverts in fish only

    I have a 25g tank with CC. It has a small stripped damsel, two clowns and a purple psudo. The fish share the tank with a condy anemone, chocolate chip starfish, an electric scallop, an anemone crab, a couple snails and a couple hermits. The only fighting is between the psudo and damsel and...
  4. bad_fish

    help with bubble anemone

    I have a 25g high tank. 55W/10,000k 50/50 PC light. My tank is not very advanced, it's rather basic. I have about 1-1/2" CC, one powerhead and a 330 Penguin BioWheel rounding out my equipment. I have two small clowns, a purple psudo, and a stripped damsel for fish. My bubble tip anemone...
  5. bad_fish

    Question on RO/DI Filter

    Broomer, thanks. You answered my question. Installing the filter inline with an appliance doesn't reduce the wasted water, It just provides an outlet for it. Is 4:1 typical? I am concerned because water is rather expensive here in the Dallas area. Moved here two years ago from Delaware where...
  6. bad_fish

    help with bubble anemone

    hey dad thanks for the input. i didn't think it harsh at all. I know when something in the tank dies it spikes the amonia which can kill all the other fish and critters. I did err on the side of safety because my larger clown was swimming really strange, I figured the dying anemone was...
  7. bad_fish

    Question on RO/DI Filter

    I have been considering a RO/DI filter, I saw a 5-stage one at Sam's Club for only $150. I have seen comments on this page saying that they waste a lot of water. I believe someone suggested installing them in-line with a washer or dishwasher. Can anyone explain what the RO filter is doing to...
  8. bad_fish

    help with bubble anemone

    Okay, I smelled it. It wasn't knock you on the floor bad, but I wouldn't want that smell on my pillow either. I was worried about the other fish so I tossed it. It really was looking bad. When I pulled it from the rock it didn't even attempt to withdraw into itself, so I guess that was a bad...
  9. bad_fish

    help with bubble anemone

    I haven't taken it out of the tank to smell it, but yeah I guess you could say the center looks like goo. Looks kinda like a cotton ball as you pull it apart. (rotting flesh maybe?) The anemone crab that has been with it won't leave it, so I guess he thinks he is still getting something out...
  10. bad_fish

    help with bubble anemone

    I think my bubble anemone may may be beyond help, but I thought I'd ask. I have had it about a month. It seams to have become limp and it's center is full of a white fleshy pulp-like substance. I thought this white stuff was waste at first, my Condy expells something that looks like this, but...
  11. bad_fish

    Damsel is picking on clown fish

    Just a thought...Since most fish are territorial, and the damsels are very much so, what about rearranging the the tank to change the territory?
  12. bad_fish

    Why shouldn't you mix CC & LS?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am still very new with SW fish. I saw in a post that you shouldn't mix Crushed Coral and Live Sand. Why not? I currently have CC and have been thinking about introducing LS or LR to the tank. It's done in the ocean right?
  13. bad_fish

    Tanks without skimmers - LOOK!!

    I've only been doing salt water fish for about 6 mos. I converted my 25g freshwater tank that I had running for about three years. I hope this doesn't get me banned from this board, but I run my salt tank same as I ran it when it was freshwater. I have a Penguin BioWheel for filtration, about...
  14. bad_fish

    Good LFS in DFW

    There is a guy on 35E in Carrollton. I know that is on the Big D side. Anyway, I think it's just called saltwater fish. The place looks kinda dingy and the first couple of times I stoped in I thought I would never buy there. His prices are better than Petland, so I took a chance on a couple...
  15. bad_fish

    Purple Tip Condi...Dead?

    I am new to the saltwater side of this, but I think your Condi might just be stressed. I have had one now for about two months and it appears very hearty. It recently got sucked into the powerhead and lost most of it's tendrils, but appears to be recovering fine. It keeps to itself behind a...
  16. bad_fish

    Stupid Condy or Stupid Owner?

    A foam filter, never would have thought of that. Thanks! (Guess that answers the first question, stupid Condy, or stupid owner.)
  17. bad_fish

    Stupid Condy or Stupid Owner?

    My Condy was on the move the other night and got itself sucked into the powerhead. I found it the next morning about half in and half out of the input for the pwrhd I unplugged it and through the course of the next two days the Condy slowly extracted itself. But the pwrhd claimed about half...
  18. bad_fish

    Urchin trouble

    thanks all for the advice, sorry I could not post sooner, was out of town. I figured the urchin was a gonner, it did die. My LFS suggested it was starving as I had an algae problem recently, but have changed timer on the light, so most of the algae died off. I put some seaweed under it, but...
  19. bad_fish

    Urchin trouble

    Help, my pin cushin sea urchin is losing all its spines. It hasn't really moved in several days and yesterday my choclate chip starfish started munching on it. The urchin is still alive, I can see it moving the spines (what are left) and its little sucker tips, but it doesn't look good. Any...