Search results

  1. portugee

    What are the best substrate cleaners?

    I've got a 28" deep tank and it's a pain to get to the bottom to clean the CC. The lfs sold me a lawnmower blennie for the rock and this little guy works overtime keeping the rock clean. What works hard at the substrate?
  2. portugee

    best clean up crew for aggressive tank

    I put a 4-5 inch lawn mower blennie in my tank and he has been doing a great job. Eats all the hair algae off the rock and even the brown algae off the glass in some spots. Looks like a different tank.
  3. portugee

    Vacuum cleaner for your tank.

    I went to home depot and picked up a tee valve that directs waterflow from one inlet to another with a twist of a knob. I found it in the pond section and it works perfect. I put it in line with my fluval 404 intake piping and hooked a 4' piece of 3/4" clear plastic tube to the tee. So if I...
  4. portugee

    Is this still die off? 3 months!

    Broomer5, everything you said is happening. Rusty-brown algae on everything and greyish brown stuff on the rock and CC. Oh and green hair algae to . My water is from a local vendor that purifies it for drinking. I've been feeding those triggers twice a day, but they eat every morsel. My...
  5. portugee

    Is this still die off? 3 months!

    Thanks for reading, I've had my live rock for three months now. 2 months into the project I pulled all of it out and scrubbed it with a nylon brush in a bucket of salt water because of a bad diatom bloom. It cleaned up real nice. While the lr was out I siphoned the CC to remove any remaining...
  6. portugee

    Major algae bloom

    Thanks, your right, that search had lots of post about algae blooms. I'm hoping its temporary this diatom algae covers all the lr and makes it look ugly.
  7. portugee

    Major algae bloom

    Yup :)
  8. portugee

    Major algae bloom

    I figured the reef crowd would know whats going on with this algae. I've got little brown particles floating on the surface, and a bad out break of brown algae and also green hair algae. I tested the water and it's Zero ammonia , Zero Nitrite , Zero Nitrate and 8.2 ph I use filtered water from...
  9. portugee

    Power Sweep Powerhead

    Yeah I've got two, one on each side of my tank. They are set up to sweep my live rock. Cool idea but not even close to my aquaclear 402's rated at 270gph. I'm waiting for a powersweep rated at 400+ to upgrade.
  10. portugee

    Flow rate for a UV please

    I'm not taking sides here but it does seem that Anthem has some actual scientific equations of exposure times for protozoa kills and seems to have done some research to back it up. He's recommended a 40 watt for 340 gph of flow, thats not obscene wattage for the units that are available today...
  11. portugee

    $22.00 trigger snack

    I think cleaner wrasses live at cleaner stations were fish can choose to go for a service. However having one contained in 90 gallons subjects the other fish to living at a cleaner station 100% of the time, which becomes annoying. Trigger dont like to be annoyed and they have big teeth. Is'nt...
  12. portugee

    $22.00 trigger snack

    jwtrojan44, Yeah you told me so. :D To bad the knowledgable and wise people at the lfs dont disclose these things. It seems they have almost no conflicts with fish species in the world they live in. Anyway it sounded like a good idea at the time.
  13. portugee

    Why do we like triggers?

    Before I put this tank together 2 months ago I had been away from the hobby for about 3 years. The first fish I had to get was a clown trigger and while I was at the lfs a little picaso like a lost puppy dog. To me they are beautiful and smart, extremely hardy. But now I'm remembering the...
  14. portugee

    Flow rate for a UV please

    Anthem, If your still checking on this thread. In your oppinion will a 40 watt UV give me effective kill rates at 340 max gph ( probably lower ) ? I have read your responses over again and it seems someone would need wattage in the hundreds to get protozoa in a 90 gal with lots of rock and...
  15. portugee

    Aggresive Aquascaping

    I've got a tall 90 gal tank that looks similar to yours. I stacked 150# of purple fiji rock in a wall all the way to the top. It hides 4 powerheads, plumbing and the heater. I think it looks very colorful as well as natural and I dont have to clean algea of the back of the tank. I think the...
  16. portugee

    $22.00 trigger snack

    little 2" triggers not a puffer:D
  17. portugee

    $22.00 trigger snack

    Well I posted earlier that I introduced a cleaner wrasse. The next morning he was gone. Then showed himself again for one day. Then disapeared again for two days. Well I come home yesterday and I notice my triggers are so fat in the belly they could barely swim and fish bits in the tank. Hmm. I...
  18. portugee

    Flow rate for a UV please

    Thank Ed, I get the picture. I think the 40 watt will do nicely since 340gph is max out-put of my canister. Im sure it flows less packed with carbon. I know it wont be a cure all but I feel it's not fair to stick fish in a box and not do something about protozoa multiplication. I've got to go...
  19. portugee

    Flow rate for a UV please

    Quit teasing me Ed. Lets run this thing of my fluval 404 rated at 340 gph. To kill protozoa do I need the 500 watt or the 1000? Joel
  20. portugee

    Flow rate for a UV please

    I'de like this setup to kill protozoa. Thanks for the equation, got any rule of thumb in laymans terms ( I bet you were waiting for that). Anthem, I thought I read one of your posts with a bare bottom tank and UV with great kill rates. Was that you?