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  1. fkanderson

    help fin rot in a reef tank

    btw here is the best picture i could take. I am pretty sure this disease is fungal. and likely fin rot. There was some white patchy areas on his body which quickly attacked his back fins and
  2. fkanderson

    help fin rot in a reef tank

    btw there is only one other fish in the tank and its not fighting. The water is also clean good levels on everything.
  3. fkanderson

    help fin rot in a reef tank

    OK I have a reef tank and my tomato clown has a bad case of fin rot. He's eating good and active but I am afraid that if I do nothing the disease will get worse and he will kick it. I don't have a hospital tank and really want to avoid getting one. I have various corals in my tank such as...
  4. fkanderson


    I was having a real base case of the red slime attack then I went away for vacation for about 3 days and didn't have the lights on and the slime seemed to all go away... I assume it has to do with water quality or lighting.... I don't think there is a whole lot you can add to your tank to...
  5. fkanderson

    too much filtration???

    sounds to me like your not feeding your colors anything and they are just being malnurished and dieing.... there are different liquid foods depending on what kind of set up you have. I personally don't use the liquid foods too much, but I some phytoplanton and some calcium.. never had any...
  6. fkanderson


    will you get a lot of small little critters in these kits?? I think he coolest thing about reef tanks and LR is that you get all these small unidentifiable critters in your tank you know you bought.
  7. fkanderson


    I posted this and didn't get many hits.. please comment if you can: have any of you gents tried any of these kits from Starter Kit, Refugium, Fauna Starter Kit, Refugium, Flora Starter Kit, Detritivore they all sound really cool if your goal is to get a lot of small...
  8. fkanderson

    dragon wrase?

    ok just got a dragon wrase.. funny little green and white fella that likes to hide out under the sand 1/2 the day.. any ideas on what kind of food he will take? I have tried fronzen myasis(?sp) which are small shrimp like (larger than brine) but he didn't seem to interested in that... any ideas???
  9. fkanderson

    island aquatics?

    have any of you gents tried any of these kits from island aquatics? Starter Kit, Refugium, Fauna Starter Kit, Refugium, Flora Starter Kit, Detritivore they all sound really cool if your goal is to get a lot of small interesting critters going good in a reef tank.. any opinions?
  10. fkanderson

    Feeding question.

    a well esatblished reef tank you can easily get away with feeding once a week. Depending on what kind of fish you have you can get away with doing it a lot less too. Generally you can feed them whatever they can eat in about a 2 minute span. Leave no uneating food in the tank. People who feed...
  11. fkanderson

    mandrin goby is real hungry

    btw this guy will eat live brine.. but he just doesn't want to bother with anything that is not live...... plus I hear that brine is not a very good source of nutrition..
  12. fkanderson

    mandrin goby is real hungry

    so can you actually buy these little critters online? I think one of the coolest things about having a reef tank is having these mysterious little small crittres that just seem to come from the live rock. I have a few small critters in my tank that I have no idea what they are, that came off...
  13. fkanderson

    mandrin goby is real hungry

    whats a refiguim? .. sorry I haven't heard of that.
  14. fkanderson

    cleaner shrip

    I dunno about you but I consider that a very cheap fish.. under 20 dollars for a nice one. They don't do much for a reef tank but I have one and its a very curious and active critter. Hes one of my favorites because he is always out in the open. A lot of reef animals tend to hide among the...
  15. fkanderson

    Feeding question.

    sounds insane but a very experienced local dealers has a reef tank and he just flat out does not feed his fish ever.. the fish live off the organic material off the rocks, the algea etc. Personally I feed only about once a week, my fish are all very fat and healthly because there is a ton of...
  16. fkanderson

    mandrin goby is real hungry

    hello, I have a 40gal reef tank established. I only feed about once a week as was suggested Question, I have a mandrin goby which only seems to like to eat copapods all day off the rocks. Problem is that there are not too many left. When I first set up my tank it was teaming with these little...