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  1. vensualmotiph

    Have you ever been stung?

    i got stung by a worm too. I crapped on my hand and rubbed it all over my body and it slowly went away
  2. vensualmotiph

    what size sump?

    what about going back to the 18 inch tall?
  3. vensualmotiph

    what size sump? about a 15??
  4. vensualmotiph

    This weekends 6-pac...

    Heres my tomato cruisin...not as cool as all your pics but hes my favorite.
  5. vensualmotiph

    Ocean Water?

    The Scripps ocean institute here provides free seawater to anyone who wants it...after letting this quarantine in my garage would this be a positive water source for my tank? Thats what they provide it for obviously.
  6. vensualmotiph

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    Most posts ive ever seen...cant blame be pretty stoked for free U build it as well lol
  7. vensualmotiph

    Breeding Pepermint Shrimp

    The larvae from the peppermint shrimp makes great food for your system....probably wont get any additional shrimp out of it...but additional food for the reef is always good...if you are goin reef that is.