This weekends 6-pac...


Active Member
Looking good guys. I will have some pics of my stuff in a few weeks. Hope we do the six pack thing every week. Kinda nice to see good threads after all the flaming ones.:D


This is my first time posting pictures, so bear with me please :D It's a bit dark, but this is my colt coral and my citron clown goby:

nm reef

Active Member
Hey....sistrMary welcome to the party.......very nice pic. Mini-reefer....the wrasse has munched dang near all my crabs(scarlets & red legs) he is always nudging and moving stuff looking for tasty lil morsals. I knew it wasn't a good addition ... but the wife says..."but its so pretty"...she no longer has any input into selection of new additions. Great pics also.....very nice stuff ya'all got.
I vote we continue the week-end 6-pac the heck out of question& its great fun just to see all the great stuff everybody is doing with their systems. For those a few short of a 6-pac....jump right in......don't be shy. This stuff is way more fun than fighting and fussin over what should be kept in what type system........speaking of fighting....where is that dang ol bully Anthem.....send him this way and pick a fight with me..........this old man ain't scared of "anthem"....bring him in here and start a argument with me.....I may not be able to argue with him but we might be able to gang up on him and pin his grouchy butt down for a while....."you do know I'm just kidding ...right Ed":cool:


Bang Guy: Me too! (and NP, it's fun!) This one is *huge* (Well, for a clown goby LOL) I'm not quite sure keeps growing though. Not that I mind, but I'm used to them staying smaller.
I hope no one minds one more (to make it half a sixpack :D) I'd like to introduce you all to my indestructable, heroesque elephant ear. It has been through...augh, we've shared a lot of time together :D

nm reef

Active Member
vensualmotiph....welcome to the reef forum.....and don't worry about quality. I just like to start things up and see what everybody has to offer. Thanks for joining the party.
Shadow...I agree that this thread is getting very cumbersome...but it is fun to have a light hearted lil party compared to some of the nonsense we've seen least I think so.....personally one of the major benefits of this hobby is the opportunity to say...." look what I've got........."...especially to somebody that can appreiciate it.
Great party folks and many thanks to all that joined in....
I wanted to post this one for the beauty that bangguy linked earlier....