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  1. shortstop

    pulsing? xenia

    My LFS has some pulsing x. in her 10 gallon tank and it pulses all the time. Not sure why tho. I will ash her to see what she does
  2. shortstop

    Clown/Brain Coral

    Hey, I have a maroon clown that for some reason has taken to my brain coral. Is this normal? Its reallly weird and funny watching him trying to lay on it. My skunk clown lives in my huge colt, which is splitting by the way and its almost completely done. Im so happy.
  3. shortstop

    Pic of the Tulips!

    Hey wrassecal!!! maybe your favorite boy "kyle" could perhaps recieve one of those tulip anemones once they split again....Kyle would really love it. Actually he would. Since he loves you guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.........:D
  4. shortstop

    worm id.????

  5. shortstop

    worm id.????

    i have found a worm thing in my tank. it looks like an earthworm. anyone know what this could be
  6. shortstop

    Pic of the Tulips!

    darn it!!!!!!!! oh well i tried.
  7. shortstop

    Pic of the Tulips!

    ya Wrassecal, I need to bargin with you on the tulip an. I will trade you a tulip anemone for Kyle for the week or two?-):-):D awesome pic. and you cant see those things hardly just looking at the tank theya re so small
  8. shortstop

    ? on something, not my tank

    ok this is so not to do with my tank. but with my avatar. how do you change the size of the pixels in a gif. i cannot figure it out. please help
  9. shortstop

    help!!!! holey starfish

    The hole seems to be getting smaller. But, I noticed a little hole by one of his arms. I dont know if it was there before or not, I just noticed it. You can tell where the hole started and has grown back. He is acting perfectly normal. So hopefully he has better luck than my parents star that...
  10. shortstop

    coral to sand

    sure sounds good to me. ill provide the beans, fried taters and cornbread, AFTER the switcheroo so you wont poop out on me....... And i will come over and help you guys since you are the most wonderful people in the world the world.. only I cant afford the sand right now....SURE WISH I...
  11. shortstop

    nudi branches

    thanks, thats what I have is the white thing. what should I do with them?
  12. shortstop

    nudi branches

    i have about 4 of these things appearing out of no where and they are hanging out on my colt coral. Are they eating it? Should I get rid of them or what. They are white with tree looking things on their back.
  13. shortstop

    coral to sand

    I am thinking about changing out my coral bed to a live sand one. The coral is pretty but its starting to get black stuff on it and lots of hair algae that I cannot get rid of. So my question is, is it easy to do this? What should I do? Wrassecalwhat do you think? april
  14. shortstop

    help!!!! holey starfish

  15. shortstop

    help!!!! holey starfish

    ;its yellow stuff coming out
  16. shortstop

    help!!!! holey starfish

    here are a few pics of my starfish. they are not very good but its what i could do.
  17. shortstop

    help!!!! holey starfish

    its still moving around like nothing ever happened to it. my clown was nipping at it. i have been out of town for a week and wasnt here when it happened. so this is going off of the what that familly said. but this morning it was moving around like normal. its huge tho. i need to go count my...
  18. shortstop

    help!!!! holey starfish

    My serpent starfish has a HUGE hole in its head. What do I do and what is it? april:confused:
  19. shortstop


    is this nudibranch? white slug looking thing with little trees on its back. my camera wont take a good pic. april:D
  20. shortstop

    bristle worms

    what do these worms look like? i found a couple things going in and out of my rock, orange with white spikes all over them,. are these bristle worms?