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  1. farlow

    thoguht i would show off

    It's been up and running for 2 mnths now + 2 week cycle time.... The heater is not in the chambers because the water level in the middle/last chamber doesn't stay high enough. the far right chamber does but it has the filter and I use a water polishing pad in there too...
  2. farlow

    thoguht i would show off

    Here is a pic of my recent nano (first one) that is in my office at work.. 14g nanocube 1 Clown 1 Cleaner shrimp 1 firefish goby 1 MIA small red linka starfish 6-7 hermits 6-8 snails Star polyp Flower pot (that is growing amazingly fast) pulsating xenia (that is growing great) melon mushroom...
  3. farlow

    Hair Algea outbreak

    Thats for the very extensive explanation. I will look at doing the following: 1.) Reducing my hallides from 12 hours to 10 hours for a week then 10 hours to 8 hours the following week 2.) reduce my feeding cycles 3.) Mexican turbo snails sound fun to me as well I do use RO water for all top off...
  4. farlow

    Hair Algea outbreak

    Yes the tank is by a window but the blinds are never open and sunlight does not get in. The lawnmower does nip around and does his share but it doesn't seem to be enough. I run my tank lights 12 hours (halide time) and I think i might reduce it to 10-11 hours.
  5. farlow

    Hair Algea outbreak

    Hi, I recently moved my tank from my old house to my new house right after doing so I encountered a hair algea problem. I upgraded my lights to the CoralLife Metal Hilide (2x 20k 250w) Power Compact (2 x 96w) combo hood and the problem got worse. I've taken my water to get tested at my local...
  6. farlow

    Bioball subsititue?

    lilbuddy - I don't prefilter (past the sponge) right now... but I think I'm going to use a micron sack. I jsut have 2 x AquaSun's, I used twin tube lights that came with the tank that I didn't need anymore when I upgraded to VHO above. But you can buy small PC's that are used for...
  7. farlow

    Bioball subsititue?

    jja - But how much water changes do you do?
  8. farlow

    post your eel pics

    polarpooch : Thanks for the great info and help in the identifing of my friend. I will for sure start investigating him.... He is a very agreesive eel towards anything that moves or gets put into the tank especially shrimp and fingers. However he co-exists with the other tank inhabitants and is...
  9. farlow

    If I was rich.......(look at this tank!)

    he has to be an engineer. only an engineer would be soo... uhm... well... you know.... but wow! I'll say it again.... wow!!! I want to be him, after I'm Heffners Son (my lifes aspiring dream).
  10. farlow

    Help...VHO and Acrylic tank

    I don't have any heat issues from my VHO setup. But it's a retro inside my canopy... and the ICeCap ballasts (2x) are down under the tank mounted on the stand, so that could be it... The ballasts don't get hot to the touch either though, even after being on all day.
  11. farlow

    post your eel pics

    I was told it might be white eyed. or a yellow fin moray? The LFS store I bought it from said yellowfin or yellowhead, I can't remember. I've never seen one of him so I thought it would be a good deal. I like having things not too many people have. But I could use some help in identifying, I'd...
  12. farlow

    Shark tank

    Well.. I'm learning a message baord lesson here. Search before post.. So many shark / ray question on here...
  13. farlow

    post your eel pics

    Here's a pic of one of my eels.... I could use some help identifying it.... I also have a Zebra, but will have to take a pic of it at night.
  14. farlow

    Shark tank

    I'm sure I will get a mixed response but.... What does everyone feel the min. size requrements for a lepord shard / nurse shark / sting ray / eel tank would be? Like 1 shark a ray and 2 eels? Not jsut Gallons but ideal length / width / height as well. I'm sure everyone is goign to say a...
  15. farlow

    Aptasia eating Nudibranch

    4 x 72" VHO on 2x ICecap 660's. Working pretty well so far, I like it. Beats the NO floresants :-) -Scott - Click on Tank pics
  16. farlow

    Some pics from my new camera

    Are you taking pics with your flash on or off, and are your tank lights on or off?
  17. farlow

    Aptasia eating Nudibranch

    Thanks Fshhub... I have quite the supply of the little buggers, one article I read was 1 per 10-20 gallons is that the case? how quickly do they eat the aptasia? Are they co-existable with Eel's? Or will that be some expensive eel food? My eels don't eat my Crabs as it stands now, I feed them...
  18. farlow

    Aptasia eating Nudibranch

    Rumor has it that there is a certain type of Nudibranch that eats aptasia. While I know pepermint shimp, and copper band butterfly's eat aptasia, what kind of nudibranch eats it and how effective are they? Also, what likes nudibranchs (fish wise) anything to stay away from putting them with? Are...
  19. farlow

    Bioball subsititue?

    FoxFace, I do the same thing... Have you thought about using a bio-bag to pre-filter as well? I mean beyond the spong in the overflow maybe a biobag would catch more stuff, and it's an inexpensive add to the filter. -Scott - Click on Tank pics
  20. farlow

    Bioball subsititue?

    I replaced my bio-balls with small pieces of really porpious live rock, then below that put a 3-4" sand bed, drilled holes in the divider so water could flow through without having to go all the way to the bottom slowing down the rate that goes by the sand. i got a some pics on...