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  1. mflee9

    Source of water for RO/DI unit

    here is the picture of the connection for the tubing that supplies my ro/di unit with water
  2. mflee9

    Source of water for RO/DI unit

    I installed my ro/di unit yesterday. I attached the unit to the valve that feeds my kitchen sink. I was not able to use the needle insert valve that came with the unit that is supposed to attach to the tube that feeds the sink faucet. This tube is braided and will not accomodate the needle...
  3. mflee9

    Big Mac

    Have you or anyone with MH ballast experience used or heard anything good or bad about Ice Cap 250 watt HQI ballast? Specifically for the 250 watt 20k Radium.
  4. mflee9

    Choice for First Coral

    Thanks for the pic Sammy.
  5. mflee9

    Choice for First Coral

    I don't know if it's just me, but Old Yeller Tang's pics aren't coming up. Let's see the TOADSTOOL please. If you could try one more time, I would greatly appreciate it.
  6. mflee9

    Choice for First Coral

    Anybody have a pic of the TOADSTOOL? I have been trying to get a pic off the web, but no luck.
  7. mflee9

    Is hair algae normal during cycle

    By the way, the clean up crew is coming Wednesday.
  8. mflee9

    Is hair algae normal during cycle

    I started a 29 gal tank with 30 lbs LS 30 lbs LR about 3 weeks ago. I only use RO water, and my phosphates are 0 , ammonia 0 also. I haven't tested for nitrates yet. I now have a lot of little tufts of green hair algae on the back of the tank, and starting on the rocks. I know that certain...
  9. mflee9

    Caulerpa Assortment

    I am starting a new ecosystem. The directions said to place five strands of Caulerpa to seed it. The questions: Should I seed it with more than one type of Caulerpa, or only one type? Also, does the size of the caulerpa matter? I put a few relatively large pieces in there. Is it better...
  10. mflee9

    are these amphipods

    LR is the only ammonia cause as far as I know. I don't think any thing huge has died in my tank. The LR is curing still I guess?
  11. mflee9

    are these amphipods

    thanks sammy. By the way, I have had the tank going for 11 days. LR and LS only. Is it normal for the ammonia to be off the charts after this many days? 29 gal with 30 lbs LR and 30 lbs LS
  12. mflee9

    are these amphipods

    I started my tank one and a half weeks ago with LR and LS. I see thousands of little white things hopping on the glass. They are really small. Are amphipods so numerous this early in the game? My ammonia is still sky high. Can amphipods handle this?
  13. mflee9

    Is this a big problem?

    No I don't have a mechanical filter. I just put in a ecosystem mudfilter two days ago. I am wondering if the aluminum corrosion will mess up the mud. I guess I'll do a few small (15%) water changes.
  14. mflee9

    Some of the guys...

    Very cool pics, NM Reef. Would you mind taking a look at my thread titled "Is this a big problem"? I would appreciate any advice you have for me. Thanks
  15. mflee9

    Is this a big problem?

    Unfortunately I had already added the water before I noticed the corrosion. I am wondering if I need to do a massive water change. If I do need to do a massive water change, how much water is a "massive" amount? 50%? Anybody have advice?
  16. mflee9

    Is this a big problem?

    I mixed the salt with the RO water last night in a 5 gallon bucket. I covereed the bucket with tin foil so that no dust would get in. I just did the water change, and I noticed that the tin foil was black where it had made contact with the salt water. I also noticed a small amount of black...
  17. mflee9


    Thanks, So should we do a water change to get the ammonia down? Or just wait it out. I am just worried about the stuff on the LR dying off from ammonia.
  18. mflee9


    I started my tank a week ago. I have a 29 gallon with 30 pounds of LR and 40 pounds of LS. CPR2 bak pak 2 powerheads I tested my ammonia for the last 3 days. Sky high >6.2 mg/L every day. Should I expect this for this many days in a row? Should I stop measuring it and not worry about...
  19. mflee9

    coral fine yesterday, not so much today

    Kathy, How about the names of the stores in Miami where you buy your stuff? Sammy says it's okay to list them. Thanks
  20. mflee9

    lights on or off

    Thanks, Sammy Now how about the water change? Should I do it?