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  1. karlaloveskrabs

    White mouths gaping open...

    Thank you so much, I will try that. I know the eclipse may not be the right choice for SW, but unfortunately, I raised these two percs... along with a Royal Gramma... in a TWELVE gallon eclipse! Not kidding, they have been happy and healthy and growing like weeds for nearly two years in that...
  2. karlaloveskrabs

    Are my clowns dying?

    Does anyone know what this white, now fuzzy, stuff is on the mouths of these fish? Is it a form of ich? One of the clowns mouth looks like it is bleeding...
  3. karlaloveskrabs

    White mouths gaping open...

    Yes, my readings are as you described... 'perfect'... pH too! I don't understand what happened, these fish have been so hardy and healthy, I never dreamed this move would stress them like this! Oh my gosh, one looks worse than the other now... his mouth has white FURRY stuff hanging off of it...
  4. karlaloveskrabs

    White mouths gaping open...

    the skin around their mouths look like it is deteriorating to me now... what is this
  5. karlaloveskrabs

    White mouths gaping open...

    does anyone/can anyone point me to a possible cause for the mouths hanging open like this? Is that ich?
  6. karlaloveskrabs

    Are my clowns dying?

    Hi, and yes... my water paramaters are fine... have tested everything. No, the tank was a new purchase, not a freshwater convert... has been set up for over 4 months with LS, LR, and inverts... no problems! These clowns have been SO healthy... they are my favorite fish... I don't understand...
  7. karlaloveskrabs

    White mouths gaping open...

    Water levels are normal/fine... just checked... everything in a 'safe' range according to charts and these message boards and all the books I have on hand. Was this move the cause?
  8. karlaloveskrabs

    Are my clowns dying?

    Help! Problem: 2 percula clowns, approx 2 years old Won't eat, mouths hanging open and pale/white... I have two percula clowns that I have had for about 2 years... they are beautiful and BIG, so I am extremely stressed by their health problems. These 2 fish lived in a tank together for almost 2...
  9. karlaloveskrabs

    White mouths gaping open...

    Help! Problem: 2 percula clowns, approx 2 years old Won't eat, mouths hanging open and pale/white... I have two percula clowns that I have had for about 2 years... they are beautiful and BIG, so I am extremely stressed by their health problems. These 2 fish lived in a tank together for almost 2...
  10. karlaloveskrabs

    ph too high/domino looks sickly

    Is the high pH the likely culprit of making my damsel sick?
  11. karlaloveskrabs

    ph too high/domino looks sickly

    No, but according to my test kit... the alkalinity is 'ideal'... according to this chart--the higher the better... is that wrong?
  12. karlaloveskrabs

    ph too high/domino looks sickly

    Is the high pH the culprit of my sick damsel?
  13. karlaloveskrabs

    ph too high/domino looks sickly

    Thank you so much... I was afraid of that... my airstone is hooked up to my Grecian Ruin! Darn it... and it looks so COOL. But... What is 'SG'?
  14. karlaloveskrabs

    ph too high/domino looks sickly

    :help: Hi... I have searched and searched these boards, so sorry if I am redundant! #1: How do I lower the Ph of my tank? It is reading 8.8 Also, my domino damsel has something on the side of his face... doesn't look like salt... so I don't think it is ich. He is: happy, swims like crazy...
  15. karlaloveskrabs

    Barnacle Blenny Question

    Hi Bdubbya... I found my BB... but haven't been able to get him to go back 'home' to his little empty barnacle. Oh well, at least he is hiding in the FRONT of the aquarium. Yes, I paid $35 for mine... at Pet World... He is AWESOME... so fun to watch... yes, he looks exactly as you described...
  16. karlaloveskrabs

    Barnacle Blenny Question

    Thank you for making that clear. It seems that not many people have heard of this little fish before. I haven't tried placing greens near the barnacle, but I will do that now. Any type in particular? I have some green leaf lettuce... will that work? Thanks for helping, I am really starting...
  17. karlaloveskrabs

    Barnacle Blenny Question

    So far... no sight of him at all today... I sure hope he wasn't someone's (expensive ) midnight snack!!! Any ideas on how to entice him back into his empty barnacle shell??
  18. karlaloveskrabs

    Barnacle Blenny Question

    I think he might also be called a 'red lip blenny' ??
  19. karlaloveskrabs

    Barnacle Blenny Question

    Oh he is the greatest... I don't have a pic, and I can't find him to take one... but I found one on the web:
  20. karlaloveskrabs

    Barnacle Blenny Question

    My new barnacle blenny has run away from home and is hiding in my LR!! Will he ever go back home to his barnacle?? Do they naturally search for empty barnacle shells to hide in... or will I forever be searching for him in the holes of the LR? I think his barnacle home got tipped over by my big...