Search results

  1. jennarienne

    long sticky things

    can anyone tell me what those long, sticky things are that come out of tiny holes in the live rock, and if they are beneficial? i tried to do a search, but apparently don't know the correct keyword:rolleyes: thanks!
  2. jennarienne

    red spot on clownfish's mouth

    i do have another tank, but it has a few hermits and a purple lobster (that i'll never catch!), so if i have to medicate, would that hurt them? do you have any idea what this might be?
  3. jennarienne

    red spot on clownfish's mouth

    i have a 150 gal fo tank. all levels 0, (trace of nitrate) the only thing found to be high in our tank is phosphates. it isn't crowded, he is not picked on. i do have a sf eel, but have never seen him bite a thing. it looks like a sore, and is not getting noticeably worse, but now i noticed...
  4. jennarienne

    red spot on clownfish's mouth

    one of my percs has a red spot under his mouth - he seems to be unable to close his mouth also, but can still eat (not so well). i noticed it about 4 days ago, and it hasn't grown since, but it does not look good at all. levels and other fish are all great...he's my very first fish - i don't...
  5. jennarienne

    ONLY snails dying

    levels are: amm-0, nitrate-under 10, nitrite-0, ph-8.0...i didn't test for copper, but all of my shrimp, clams, crabs, etc are fine. i did read that high phosphates could be the cause, and i do not have a test kit for that yet. i only have blue-legs and scarlets, no other crabs. also, only...
  6. jennarienne

    ONLY snails dying

    does anyone know what would cause only my snails to die? i bought some from swf, and they only lived a few days, and even the ones i've had for a couple of years died. all levels and other animals (including all inverts) are great. if it helps, most were dead in their shells, only found a few...
  7. jennarienne

    purple lobster

    salty shark, a question...does "anything" include hermits, shrimp, snails, etc...? i ordered a cleanup package from swf, and the purple lobster was included with all of these - should i worry?
  8. jennarienne

    getting to 50???

    well, have you posted one yet? don't be shy :rolleyes: actually, i don't even have many of myself - i took these on a trip. i left my face out of this one for a reason...i don't think i was wearing the "exhilarated" look i was supposed to - i was ready to pee my pants! and the rest were from...
  9. jennarienne


    okay, enough of that nonsense - i DO have a few questions... first, has anyone has trouble with a decorator crab eating EVERYTHING? i had one who was really cool, but then he started to kill all of my other crabs, snails, a nudibranch - i also found him eating my royal gramma, although i can't...
  10. jennarienne

    getting to 50???

    i know, i know - this has been covered by most of you, but i'm a little slow...and afraid of cameras!! i also noticed that there are quite a few who didn't post any pictures. so, if you (other) slackers put one on here, so will i :D but, like i said, i am terrified of cameras, so for now this...
  11. jennarienne

    snowflake eel ?

    jeez, you guys - my 24 in. snowflake is very sweet! he is in with a bunch of tiny fish and inverts, and has never touched a thing! do you guys feed them with a stick, or just drop food in? i read somewhere that if you get them used to a feeding stick, they will most likely leave your fish...
  12. jennarienne

    Any tips on feeding a zebra eel

    IMO, he is probably just stressed. i have a 24 in. snowflake, and when i first got him a year ago, he didn't eat for almost a week. now, he will come right to the surface for me to feed him (with a stick, of course!), and he's not picky at all! he eats whatever i feed my fish (formula one...
  13. jennarienne

    Pulled the rocks out...and baby mantis shrimp!

    aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! reefsoe, I"M SORRY!! poor thing...well, at least now i don't feel bad that he got to live and i killed the other one just for being ugly. oh sad...
  14. jennarienne

    Pulled the rocks out...and baby mantis shrimp!

    okay, that's a little discouraging....i didn't think i'd even have two in my lr, but now i'm sure i'll have a family too :( actually, no sign of any more, and my fish are very happy in their new tank (finally) - i'll just keep on counting them every ten or fifteen minutes until the paranoia...
  15. jennarienne


    don't kid yourselves - if i find one more, i am going to eat the sucker, just to see what the fuss is about:D...and when yu guys are finished making fun of what i did;), will someone tell me if they have ever heard of doing that(for future reference)?
  16. jennarienne


    yes, it was uncured, but i got a great deal on it:D (not funny) i seriously didn't think they were so common, since i have never had a problem in over 2 years, and many purchases of lr...i can honestly say i am just not interested in keeping one, although i can see where they'd be fascinating...
  17. jennarienne


    yikes, is that bad? (he looked like an alcoholic to me ;) lol) before i forget...reefsoe, i shipped him with 2-day, so you should get him tomorrow - hope you like the packing :D
  18. jennarienne


    i just found ANOTHER mantis shrimp in my tank, i am going to these things live in colonies?!? :mad: i thought maybe because they are so nasty, they might be territorial (does anyone know?), therefore my chances of having more than one would be slim - APPARENTLY NOT! but, happy to say...
  19. jennarienne

    Oh Yay! I Got Him!

    okay reefsoe, he's on his way, let me know if he's alive when you get him, okay? and if you guys keep gushing about them, i'm going to have to get another tank and try and find myself one, lol :D ...slothy, that mist thing/music IS pretty neat.
  20. jennarienne

    Oh Yay! I Got Him!

    one more thing...he will be okay just packed in styrofoam, right? i don't know how to send live crap, but that's how he came...