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  1. kholt


    The 3 Clarkiis at my LFS absolutely LOVE the sebae anemone in with them. I don't know much about this, but I've read that it could take some serious time for them to hook up. I guess just give them some time and see what happens. Good luck. Kelly
  2. kholt

    My new fish?

    Robb... Every Anthias in my Marine Fish book requires between a 30 and 70 gallon tank. I bet that you're okay. The only one that required a 70g was the Squarespot Anthias, and it looks nothing like the fish that you have. Good luck. Kelly
  3. kholt

    Starfish questions.... (Ophiura)

    Thank you Ophiura. The info is much appreciated! Kelly
  4. kholt

    Starfish questions.... (Ophiura)

    I was wondering how much info you have on the following stars... Australian Biscuit Star Cortez Starfish Cushion Star Marble Starfish Harlequin Serpent Star Are they reef safe? Are they hardy? What do they eat? Etc. I have searched around the NET, and can't find info specific to these guys...
  5. kholt


    Arion... I've seen other sites that offer an Octopus. Email me, and I'll give you the sites.
  6. kholt

    Electric Scallop...

    That must be what they were trying to explain... my LFS doesn't have one, but I wish they would get one. I would love to see one in person. They must be amazing to watch! Thanks for the info Buzz.
  7. kholt

    New Addition/Marine Betta

    I just saw those today while looking at some fish online! They are very cool looking! Does s/he have a name? For some reason I have an obsession with naming EVERYTHING! Cars... appliances... computers... you name it! LOL
  8. kholt

    I need help

    That is a beautiful tank dockery. I like the shelves etc. underneath. Ophiura... Would you mind telling my what kind of setup you have? And of course all of your inhabitants. I love reading about other people's stuff... since I don't have my own and all.... LOL :D Thanks. Kelly
  9. kholt

    Electric Scallop...

    That's a shame. They are VERY cool looking! I love the stars too Ophiura!! I want all of those things in my tank when it is said and done. I read somewhere that the Electric Scallops send out something that either IS or RESEMBLES an electric current. Any truth to this? There was a picture...
  10. kholt

    75 gallon oceanic tank (st louis area)

    Email me with a pic if available. I'm about 2 hours from you.
  11. kholt

    Electric Scallop...

    Hey everyone. I was wondering if any of you know much about Electric Scallops. I have been trying to search for info on them, but the results are few. I think they are absolutely beautiful, but I don't know enough about them. Do they require special lighting? Are they dangerous etc.? I...
  12. kholt

    Cowfish owners.

    Thanks Broncofish!
  13. kholt

    Cowfish owners.

    Thanks for the info Ophiura. I appreciate it. Does anyone know anything about Electric Scallops? I think they are beautiful, but I don't know anything about them. I have searched the INTERNET for info, but it is limited to say the least. Are they dangerous at all? Any info would be...
  14. kholt

    Cowfish owners.

    What on Earth is a "Sea Apple?" I've never even heard of it. Is it a fish, invert... what? Why are they so dangerous?
  15. kholt

    tank pics from all of you

    Holy Cow!! How did that happen?? LOL
  16. kholt

    tank pics from all of you

    Hey Slothy... Is that a Fairy Wrasse of some sort on page 3 of your picutres homepage? It's beautiful... how does he do? I'm interested in having one someday... just curious. Thanks. Kelly
  17. kholt

    tank pics from all of you

    Hey Slothy... Is that a Fairy Wrasse of some sort on page 3 of your picutres homepage? It's beautiful... how does he do? I'm interested in having one someday... just curious. Thanks. Kelly
  18. kholt

    tank pics from all of you

    Hey Slothy... Is that a Fairy Wrasse of some sort on page 3 of your picutres homepage? It's beautiful... how does he do? I'm interested in having one someday... just curious. Thanks. Kelly
  19. kholt

    Menagerie expansion...

    Thanks Pfunk. I've already accepted the fact that it won't happen over night... :( Usually, I'm one of those people who sees something and has to have it RIGHT NOW! Fortunately, I am such an animal lover that I would never do anything to place any animal in danger... not purposely anyway...
  20. kholt

    tank pics from all of you

    M. Rogers... Could you tell my what size your setup is and what little guys you have living in there? Thanks!