Search results

  1. drgriff

    Many Tanks For Sale

    Have you sold the larger tanks yet? If not, are they drilled with corner overflows? What is included with tanks? You can reply here or e-mail to
  2. drgriff

    HELP!! Something killed my shrooms

    pic 2
  3. drgriff

    HELP!! Something killed my shrooms

    Nothing else appears to be affected. The ricordia is opened up, the green and yellow polyps are out, the snails are eating away, and the xenia is pulsing away. Only the mushrooms are affected. Let me clarify, only the watermelon mushrooms are affected. There is a purple hichhiker shroom that...
  4. drgriff

    HELP!! Something killed my shrooms

    My tank is in my office waiting room. My partner called this morning and said that when he came in, the mushrooms were all dead. I take care of the tank so I rushed up here. THe shrooms are dead, shriveled with pieces missing. There is also about 5 gallons of water in the carpet where it...
  5. drgriff

    thermoelectric chiller

    I added some new PCs to my tank (had 2, added 4 more 96W) and now my temp is running too high, once up to 86. I have turned off 3 of the PCs and the temp is OK but I want to run them all SOOOOOOOOOO I have to buy a chiller. I found some that were 5-800 dollars and some others that were only...
  6. drgriff

    reef compatibility

  7. drgriff

    reef compatibility

    I know there are many compatability charts on the net, I have looked at a couple over the past few days but I want some input from live people of there experiences. I have a pink square anthia, longnose hawk, mandarin goby, 2 yellow tail damsels, and a peppermint shrimp, along with various...
  8. drgriff

    green hair algae eaters

    OK, I have the beginnings of a green hair algae outbreak. I have algae growing on only 2 of my LR but I don't want it to spread any further. I have cleaned it off the rock a couple of times with a modified toothbrush but I need some "professionals". I have done a water change about 1 1/2...
  9. drgriff

    OT: I will be gone for a while

    Congratulations Birdy and good luck. I'm sure the babies will be the most happy and laid back babies on the block- they have a saltwater world at home to soothe and comfort them.
  10. drgriff

    black algae?

    I can't post a picture, I can't get it in focus. It ia almost like some sort of mold? It looks almost like bread mold, small black dots. I wish I could get a picture.
  11. drgriff

    black algae?

    I have not cleaned the back glass of my tank in over a month. There has been some green algae growing on it but not enough to really worry about. Today, I noticed something new, little black specke on the back glass. I don't see theme on the other three sides. I tried to clean them off and...
  12. drgriff

    jealious wife!

    My tank is at work. Try telling your wife that you have to go back to work and feed the fish or do a water change. I know "The Look" all too well. At least the tank was budgeted as an office expense and is not coming out of my pocket, then I really would never hear the end of it.:eek:
  13. drgriff


  14. drgriff


    I can't find anywhere on SWF that sells lights so I hope this is not a bad question to ask- Has anyone ever used Hellolights brand lights? I am looking to add some more light to my tank and they have a 46" 4- 96 watt retrofit for sale that looks like what I need, but... is this a reliable...
  15. drgriff

    anorexic cucumber

    having trouble with the pic, here it is
  16. drgriff

    anorexic cucumber

    here is a slightly fuzzy pic of the cuck today. The rear of the cuck is what seems to be flattening. Yesterday afternoon it was more filled out than it was yesterday morning or this morning.
  17. drgriff

    anorexic cucumber

    The tank is 4 1/2 months old. I added the cuck about 6 weeks ago. LFS said he would do good in my tank. :eek: water params: pH-8.2 temp-80 salinity-1.023 calcium-435 nitrates-0 Ophiura, what type of filter food do you recommend? DT's, Kent's, or something else? Should I directly feed the...
  18. drgriff

    anorexic cucumber

    The pic is about 4 weeks old and you can see the hole animal is full size. I will try and get another pic this afternoon of what he looks like now.
  19. drgriff

    anorexic cucumber

    OK, I have a green cuck that has been in my tank for 6 weeks. He opens everyday, seems to eat well, I don't directly feed him but he continues to stick his tinticles into his mouth constantly. The front 3/4s of the cuck is still big and fat but I have noticed that the back 1/4 is shrinking...