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  1. bandcamp

    mandarin question

    my lunatic wrasse has been nipping at the fins of all my fish, including our mandarin
  2. bandcamp

    anyone experienced this?

    after trying a few anenomes to no avail, our clown has hosted & killed in lettuce, tried to host in bubble & leather, & is now attempting to host in brain coral. it's really funny when i feed them freeze dried krill & he tries to feed the brain
  3. bandcamp

    eel id?

    my eel looks like that - don't know what kind it is - definately some kind of moray
  4. bandcamp

    snowflake and shark????

    you can check some of the older posts here, there were a bunch not too long ago on the brown banded cat shark - they are a really cool shark. you can also google them. i found some cool pictures on the net. this is what ours looked like before he passed on - his name was czark - we're holding a...
  5. bandcamp

    OT - Funny cartoon on MEssage Board Communities

  6. bandcamp

    snowflake and shark????

    you can keep the shark & the eel - the shark egg may not hatch, if it does, make sure you have a special place where you spot feed the eel & a separate place where you spot feed the shark. we had both, until recently - our shark passed away back in april - we didn't see much of our eel and we...
  7. bandcamp

    Algae in Agressive

    my tangs don't eat the algae of the glass, so we must scrape away. occassionally they'll pick at the stuff on the bottom, they prefer what's growing on the rock. 460 gal, 1 sfe, 1 lunare wrasse, 1 cardinal, 1 maroon clown, 1 mandarin, 1 sailfin tang, 2 domino damsels, 2 hippo tangs, 6 yellow...
  8. bandcamp

    sad sad day

    the anenome isn't completely gone, it's head is still alive. we think he ate the last 2 anenomes we put in the tank - this one was in the tank all along, i don't have a picture of it, it has a head about the size of a feather duster crown & a long tube-like body, that was attached to the rock...
  9. bandcamp

    sad sad day

    it's a sad day, overnight our little brown banded cat shark passed away. little czark was only 3 months & 2 days old. he passed away from internal bleeding, most likely caused by an anenome (not sure what kind) that appears to have been eaten. he was a cute little bugger - started to get his own...
  10. bandcamp

    acceptable sharks

    i have a brown-banded catshark (chiloscyllium punctatum) in a 460 reef tank. they are very docile & mainly nocturnal. make sure you have caves in the live rock for the shark to hide in since they are bottom dwellers. they grow to a max of 110 cm at which point they will most likely be too big...
  11. bandcamp

    $75,000 squid on Ebay

    i think the sale of the squid is a joke - the squid is real. after reading the seller's description, i honestly belive the sale is a hoax & he/she doesn't actually have the squid in his/her possession. it's probably in the hands of the new zealand scientific community.
  12. bandcamp

    OT. Giant Squid

    that is one big ugly squid fyi: patagonian toothfish = chilean sea bass
  13. bandcamp

    How difficult are sharks & rays?

    pbs/nova did a program on sharks recently, if you check out their website & look around they have sharks broken down into different families & have them listed by scientific name, i think i saw 2 completely different species named brown banded cat shark, but i don't remember completely the one i...
  14. bandcamp

    office tank

    right now he's too big for the shark - we had another mandarin but he died last thursday & i didn't see the shark anywhere near the carcass - i'll worry about the shark eating the fish, when i see it happen, right now he's only interested in invertebrates (shrimp, krill & anenomes) the shark...
  15. bandcamp

    office tank

    here's our biggest feather duster
  16. bandcamp

    office tank

    here's another - the shrimp has since become shark food
  17. bandcamp

    office tank

    pic. of shark
  18. bandcamp

    office tank

    yes, we have more
  19. bandcamp

    office tank

    here's one
  20. bandcamp


    ours hatched all by himself - we didn't think he was going to hatch, but he did.