Search results

  1. rayraypico

    Skimmer and a refugium

    45 gallon, if you have misis shrimp growing in the fuge then that will feed just about all the inhabitants, or atleast reduce the amount of food you have to feed
  2. rayraypico

    Skimmer and a refugium

    thanks for the help! One more question, with the increased amount of pods (i have even been told you can possibly have misis grow) in the fuge does this reduce the amount of food you use to feed your fish
  3. rayraypico

    Skimmer and a refugium

    Is it necessary to run a skimmer with a refugium? And if you do, do you skim prior to the water going into the fuge or do you skim the water after it exits the fuge?
  4. rayraypico

    aqua c remora nano

    i know the whole use of a skimmer is heavily debated on these boards when it comes to nano tanks. But if you had to get one and you wanted one that will fit in the small section in the back of the tank (non hang on back type), what would you get?
  5. rayraypico

    aqua c remora nano

    I was looking at these particular skimmers, I was wondering if it is possible to put these in the back of a 24 gal covered nano tank. I cant tell from the description if its a hang on the back type skimmer or if it can be made to fit in the filter section of an aquapod cube
  6. rayraypico

    nano newb =)

    The jd show where are you getting this tank? Can you post a link?
  7. rayraypico

    Thinking about buying a nano

    any recomondations on what type of tanks have worked for you. I am looking for an all inclusive setup, something like a aquapod. The only thing that an aquapod does not have is a skimmer, would a skimmer be needed and how would you add one to one of these systems
  8. rayraypico

    54 Corner Reef for Sale in Delaware

    I would be interested in some pics of what you have send them to also send how much your looking to get for the setup
  9. rayraypico

    55 gal. reef ready with everythin but lights w/stand and canopy in NE Philly

    please send all of the pictures of what you currently have to I am just getting back into the hobby. I think you have exactly what I am looking for
  10. rayraypico

    how many gph for 72 gallon?

    I stand corrected.
  11. rayraypico

    how many gph for 72 gallon?

    I think you would want to have your water cycle your tank 3-5 times per hour. So you would want something in the range of 216gph and 350gph. But I could be wrong so wait till somebody posts after me to check to see if I am correct. I ran my 100 with a 350 gph and everything worked out for me
  12. rayraypico

    58g oceanic tank and stand for sale in ny

    are you selling it with all of the pvc pipeing? I will know in the next couple of days for sure if I will take it. I understand not taking it off the market until your payed. I am in negotiations for a new house right now I am just waiting to see how that goes before I pay for the tank. I...
  13. rayraypico

    58g oceanic tank and stand for sale in ny

    I will probably take it. I have a storage locker that I am supposed to take to NY and drop the stuff of at my grandmothers. If the tank is still available then I will take it. I have to make arrangmets to get a weekend off to do this. Can you post your email address and we can stay in...
  14. rayraypico

    58g oceanic tank and stand for sale in ny

    Yeah I have family in queens so pickup would not be a problem
  15. rayraypico

    58g oceanic tank and stand for sale in ny

    I just moved to Philly from Florida. When I left Florida I sold all of my stuff and have been itching to get another tank since I moved to Philly. I was thinking about getting a corner tank and then I saw your post
  16. rayraypico

    46bow and stuff 4 sale LI,NY

    can you post a picture? I may be interested
  17. rayraypico

    58g oceanic tank and stand for sale in ny

    can you post a picture of the tank I may be interested
  18. rayraypico

    Sea Clear Tank with built in filtration

    Has anyone ever used one of these type of tanks. I am looking for a new tank to set up when I move and I am kind of curious about these tanks that have the filtration hidden in the back of the tank. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to this type of tank
  19. rayraypico

    help me out

    Depends on white type of clown fish you are talking about. There are several different kinds and some of them get quite big. Also you may want to be carefull putting two of the same clowns in a small tank. I made that mistake with two tomatoe clowns. If they are percula clowns you can get...
  20. rayraypico

    My first Xenia and my first time fragging

    do they recomend the netting for fragging xenia? I have not seen that before