Search results

  1. picasso

    Clown trigger

    A clown trigger would outgrow such a small tank quite quickly. Though, they are beautiful fish, they do have some special requirements due to their large size and aggression. I would suggest you consider something more appropriate for your size of tank.
  2. picasso

    My yellow Tang

    Your 10 gallon IS overloaded. It terribly overstocked with inappropriate species. Even though they are small, both tangs and angels need lots of swimming space. Both will also do better in a stable, mature tank with plenty of live rock to hide in and nibble on. If the only thing you have in...
  3. picasso

    Potpourri of questions

    1. Yes, you can add the live rock to the tank. However, I would recommend you return your cromis first. The live rock will have die of during shipping and will cause the ammonia to surge- possibly killing your fish. I would let the live rock (rather than the fish) kick start the cycle and...
  4. picasso

    Shrimp and the new Christmas!!!

    I would remove the shrimp if the worms are your priority. He WILL eat them- that's one of their food sources in the wild. If you haven't already, do some research about Christmas Tree Worms. They can be hard to keep alive in captivity and often starve due to lack of insuffient levels of the...
  5. picasso

    Tangs and more tangs

    Do some more research about tangs- you'll find that a 38 gallon is too small in the long run for one tang, let alone two. There's lots of other fish that are appropriate for a 38- why choose fish that aren't? Instead of spending money on a fish- get a couple of good marine books. It will...
  6. picasso


    It totally depends on the fish. In some species, the male and female have different coloring (ex: the greenbird/brownbird wrasses). Others (like the clownfish) can usually be told apart by their difference in size. In other species, the male and female look totally alike can can not be told...
  7. picasso

    What ate the feeder guppies?

    I've read several of your posts and, like Lionfish, I would suggest investing in a few good saltwater books. Your tank is way, WAY overstocked- and you have several fish that are inappropriate for such a small tank, let alone such a full tank. Overstocking can lead to poor water quality...
  8. picasso

    clown and anenome

    Nicole, Unfortunately, 15 watts is not nearly enough light to keep an host anemone (more like roughly in the ballpark of 100 watts or so in the correct spectrum). If you are serious about getting an anemone, I encourage you to research very thoroughly beforehand. They are beautiful creatures...
  9. picasso

    anenomes keep dying....getting expensive

    Here are a couple of good anemone links- A homepage with lots of anemone links- An article by marine zoologist Ron Shimek- Also do a Yahoo search for the article "Keeping Anemones" by marine...