Search results

  1. leviwin

    Niger Trigger and yellow tail damsel for sale or trade

    Sorry I never posted back, but I sold both of them.
  2. leviwin

    Feather duster always out

    Doesn't sound normal to me mine goes in if i even get close to it. But it does sound like there is still a worm in the tube. Mine lost his feathers once and I thought he was dead. I didn't see him for a couple of weeks. I left him alone and the feathers started to grow back. I would just...
  3. leviwin

    Niger Trigger and yellow tail damsel for sale or trade

    4" Niger Trigger and Yellow Tail Damsel for sale or Trade. I'm in Logan Utah.
  4. leviwin

    need help with current lighting and maybe more

    Here is a good site to look at for questions on lighting. I know you all might not agree with it but they raise all types of corals under 4 normal output 40 w floresent lights. I've seen lot of tanks with zoos, mushrooms, leathers, star polyps and other types of coral. here the site hope it...
  5. leviwin

    Anyone out there with an opinion on T5 lighting?

    what types of corals can you have under T5 lights and is it possible to have any types of Clams?
  6. leviwin

    What is this??

    looks like a type of sponge to me
  7. leviwin

    Anyone out there with an opinion on T5 lighting?

    I've been looking to upgrade the lighting in my tank and have heard lots of good stuff about T5 lighting. I was looking at a reef site in german and they were convinced that its much better than Vho and power compact. Has anybody ever used this lighting or have any opinions on it?
  8. leviwin

    Is there a lion i could keep with clowns and sea horses?

    Pipe fish go really well with seahorses. They seahorses will even hitch rides on the pipefish. Not much else will go good with the seahorses though other than some cleaning crew. Some people might have luck though and have some percula clowns like Jake22, these fish don't seem to be very...
  9. leviwin

    Hermitcrab babies

    they turned out to be lunch just like the baby shrimp do. I read up on raising shrimp and figure that raising hermit crabs would be the same. Sounds like to much work for me right now with school and work, but it would be fun to try some day. Has any body ever had much luck raise shrimp or...
  10. leviwin

    best ways to make a refugium?

    It might be better to go with a 20 g tank and a divider. they seem to not overflow as much as the 10 g do.
  11. leviwin

    Hermitcrab babies

    I was wondering if anybody else has had much luck with breeding hermit crabs. I have two blue legged, two scarlet, and five red legged. I just have them to clean the tank, but found out tonight that the red legged are breeding. I was watching with a flashlight in the dark and noticed a crab...
  12. leviwin

    fish and shrimp disappearing??

    Thanks i did a search here on this website and found the results i needed. Thought of that just after I wrote my last post and couldn't find it with a yahoo search.
  13. leviwin

    fish and shrimp disappearing??

    did a search on coke bottle trap and didn't have much luck do you have any idea how it works?
  14. leviwin

    fish and shrimp disappearing??

    thanks I've heard of people building traps out of old bottles to catch them. Do these work very well and if so how do you build one?
  15. leviwin

    need help making mantis trap

    I have reciently found a mantis shrimp and that lfs doesn't have any mantis traps. The said you could make one with a bottle, but I haven't a clue how to make it. I've done a search but haven't found any site that help show you how to make one. Could somebody please help me Thanks
  16. leviwin

    fish and shrimp disappearing??

    I found a couple of cracked shells but haven't seen the shrimp yet. What exactly is the clicking sound like? Is it loud enough to hear over the sound of water going into the overflow and down into the refugium and do they make this sound only at certain times? ie. when they are killing...
  17. leviwin

    fish and shrimp disappearing??

    I just reciently returned from a week vacation on the Oregon Coast to find out that my CB Shrimp and orange diamond goby were gone without a trace. :confused: I had a friend feed the fish once a day with a specific amount of food for each day. A couple of weeks before going i added some live...
  18. leviwin


    I don't know if it was really old age that made him die, but all the water measurement were normal, which means zero for nitrate nitrite and amonia. Nothing else in my tank has died before or since. He just ended up dieing after having him a year.
  19. leviwin


    My sexy shrimp just lives in my star polyps and eats the extra food that I feed my other fish and shrimps. Don't know why you guys are making them out to be so bad. ozadars is right they do live in an anemone when given the chance. Mine did until my anemone died from being too old. The sexy...
  20. leviwin


    Sorry to jump in, but where can you get sexy shrimp. I got one as a hitchhiker and would like to find a friend for him.