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  1. tamstoy

    Low PH Help!

    This web site helped me out alot! HTH! Tammy
  2. tamstoy

    Way Way Ot: Football

    Have loved the cowboys since I was little and will love them until the day I die. Even in the years they suck!! They won today!!!:D
  3. tamstoy

    Sand Questions

    I had crushed coral in my tank and just switched to a DSB. I couldn't get my nitrates down with the cc and now I have no detectable nitrate. When I removed my CC you would not believe all of the yuck in it. I'm sure if you do some research you will find all kinds of good ideas on making the...
  4. tamstoy

    feather dusters on ricordia branch

    I purchased a ricordia from and have had it for about 6 months or more. Well I just noticed that the branch that it came on now has 2 of the prettiest feather dusters (I'm assuming because they have no tubes they just come out of the branch) on it. Is there any way I can keep the...
  5. tamstoy

    worms on glass?

    I seem to have these white circular tubes appearing all over the back of my tank. They look similar to a calcareous tube. I can't take a good picture because they are to small. Does anyone have any idea what they could be? Thanks! Tammy
  6. tamstoy

    lighting question

    I am ready to add corals to my tank and was wondering when it says light intensity, how many watts is it for low, moderate, and high. I have a 55 gal with 260 watts pc. Thanks for any help.
  7. tamstoy

    RO/DI and LR questions

    I've been looking at RO/DI units on e-bay and am now totally confused!! How do you know which one to get if you know nothing about them!?! Any suggestions? Also, I just bought 45lbs of LR and am now curing it. My levels are ammonia .25 nitrite .2 and nitrate 10. My question is I have a 55gal...
  8. tamstoy

    serpant star behavior????

    j21kickster I try to hold onto the cube until it is almost thawed but the very first time it just ripped it out of my hand and ate it still frozen. I was a little worried but it seemed fine!! By the time they get it to their mouth its basically thawed.
  9. tamstoy

    serpant star behavior????

    I hand feed my red serpent star. I take a frozen cube of brine or mysis cut it in half and just touch the arms. Mine actually tries to grab my finger also. It is so cool to watch them eat. If I have to put my hand in the tank for anything now it tries reaching for my hand. HTH!
  10. tamstoy


    I would really like to know where you got your rock also!! e-mail Thanks!!
  11. tamstoy

    in tank refugium

    I want to keep caulerpa in my tank but my tang and damsel will not leave it alone. I spent 15.00 dollars on feather and it was gone in 2 days. Kind of an expensive treat!! I was hoping it would help with filtration also. Am I wrong?
  12. tamstoy

    in tank refugium

    I am wanting to add a refugium to my tank but am very limited on space. I have been doing some research and have seen some in tank refugiums. Has anyone ever done one and do they stay as ugly looking as the pictures I have seen? Thanks!
  13. tamstoy


    Done!! Thanks
  14. tamstoy


    I received the water test back today and the Nitrate are .07ppm Phosphates are 0 and copper is .01ppm. Is it okay to use or should I buy ro/di? Thanks!
  15. tamstoy

    Wood for Hood

    dockery, you wouldn't happen to have plans would you. I want my husband to build me a new stand and canopy and he said to find what I like. Your's is absolutely beautiful. Did you also do the tank or did you just trim it? Thanks! Tammy
  16. tamstoy


    I just planted feather caulerpa in my tank and just noticed that my tang has it all pulled up. I have caulerpa stuck in all the intakes in my tank:mad: Does anyone have any ideas on how I can keep this planted or is it just lost cause. Thanks for any help!
  17. tamstoy


    My friend actually owns the spring. She just spent lots of money having all of the water tests done and building a water shed with a bottling plant. It has nothing in it but trace minerals. She bottles right at the source.
  18. tamstoy


  19. tamstoy


    I was wondering if it is okay to use natural spring water for water changes. My friend owns a bottling company and said I could get all the water I want. It's really good to drink but would it be okay for my tank? I currently use well water but think it has alot of phosphates. Would it be...
  20. tamstoy

    My First Starfish

    I believe the scientific name is (asterina sp.) They are supposed to be harmless and multiply greatly!!