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  1. aries3

    Halequin shrimp

    ok thanks
  2. aries3

    Halequin shrimp

    My friend wanted to know if 2 Halequin shrimps could be Put into the same tank. Thanks for your help.
  3. aries3

    damsels types in same tank

    I agree with CB. Most damsels are very territorial and agressive once they get estanblished, My Friends Dominos ganged up on his panther Grouper and his Humu Trigger fish and killed them both surprisingly. He hates them soo much he even bought a 20 Gallon to put them into with a mantis shrimp...
  4. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    I am going to do a full water change soon I just need to set up my 10 Gal So I have a place to put my wrasse and remaining perc who miraculosly hasn't died yet although his colors have faded drastically:( . My eye sight is 20-20 though i need to go and check it again soon seriously.
  5. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    Yes i added a Pencil urchin and a pistol shrimp. and i used my friends fish tank as a holding tank and thats where i think i got the disease from. I went to my LFS today and they said that its probably a bacterial infection in the gills so they told me to add Iodine, Bromactine and Iron to...
  6. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    I am also going to set up my 10 Gal as an isolation tank for my remaining perc.
  7. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    I am going to take a trip to my LFS today and see if they know what it is and how to treat it.
  8. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    I was talking to my friends this morning and one suggested using copper because he said he had once had a disease similar to the one i have. Should i try using copper or not?
  9. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    I checked my Ammonia nitrate nitrite and ph yesterday they were fine the water temp is 80 right now. I have a carbon filter running right now and i am going to replace it today. I am also going to do a 75-90% water change today also depending on how much i can get out. thanks for your help
  10. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    Update on my fish- 2 Percula are dead. The Other percula looks like hes showing signs of the disease, and my bannana wrasse seems fine for now.
  11. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    The only symptoms i can see are that the fish stay near the bottom, don't swim around and try to hide between rocks. No i havent QTed fish before i put them into my tank. It wasn't a fish that brought this disease to my tank it was the spilled water i think.
  12. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    I lost another Percula :( i really hope no one else has had a disease liek this. All my fish are gonna be dead by morning at this rate.
  13. aries3

    Unknown Disease

    Hello,It started when i added an urchin and a pistol shrimp into my tank. I have no idea what it is but it kills fish extreemly fast in less than 12 hrs of noticing this illness the fish is dead. I think it got into my tank when i used my friends 72gal as a holding tank for my shrimp and urchin...
  14. aries3

    Peppermint Shrimp

  15. aries3

    Peppermint Shrimp

  16. aries3

    Peppermint Shrimp

  17. aries3

    Peppermint Shrimp

  18. aries3

    Peppermint Shrimp

  19. aries3

    Peppermint Shrimp

  20. aries3

    Peppermint Shrimp
