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  1. carter

    new corals plus ids

    elephant ears dont come in green....those are dyed. that may be why it died.
  2. carter

    What do people feel about Coralife Salt

    you all should try Tropicmarin salt. It is the only one that has a gaurentee label on it and it is the best in consistency. try mixing your salt and then test it for will most definatley get a reading of usually 10-15ppm. with tropicmarin you wont get that. its all i use...
  3. carter

    new pics...

  4. carter

    new pics...

    another pic
  5. carter

    new pics...

    since my other thread was deleted i thought id put a new one with new pics of my 180
  6. carter

    new corals plus ids

    thats not an elephant ear....its a hairy is what an elephant ear looks like......your LFS sounds like they are trying to take you for a ride.........
  7. carter

    Pics of my 72G bow

    you should check out orange coast tropicals......its near knotts berry farm. its one of the best stores around.
  8. carter

    Lets have a party...

    full tank shot
  9. carter

    Lets have a party...

  10. carter

    125 Reef Tank

    the flowerpot extends fully and is usually open at all times unless i have my hands in the tank near of the baby ones didn't make it but the other one is doing really ggod and extends almost 3 inches high.
  11. carter

    eel id?

    this is an atlantic moray eel
  12. carter

    How do you?

    when you have the pic in you my docs....right click on the pic and edit it. click on image on the top task bar and "stretch and skew" the pic to about 50-75% on both options. then save an walah
  13. carter

    Critter ID?

    I believe this is an abalone. they are a-sexual and reproduce singlely. they are great for cleaning algae. they grow quick and you may not see them all that often.....but they are cool to have. Sometimes they just come out of the live rock when you buy it.
  14. carter

    Pics of my 72G bow

    where do you shop at? you ever come up to orange county to shop?
  15. carter

    125 Reef Tank

    and this is my Rose anenome.
  16. carter

    125 Reef Tank

    and here is the flowerpot that reproduced...
  17. carter

    125 Reef Tank

    and this one is my two elephant ear corals
  18. carter

    125 Reef Tank

    and this one shows my 3 crocea clams
  19. carter

    125 Reef Tank

    here they are.. this shows my star polyps growing across the back.
  20. carter

    My pc's are going dim, only 4 months old.

    most definatley!!!!! you will be happier