10 gallons enough?


hey can i fit a valentini puffer in a 10 gallon? if so could i fit anything else in there too? :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
It's really too small a tank for the puffer. I personally wouldn't keep much in a 10.
Maybe a firefish, or a small goby, royal gramma, etc...


hmmm...... what about a small trigger?? i'll give him back to the pet shop once he gets to big and uncomfortable. if not is there anything aggresive i could fit in there


no trigger. you could keep one or too small fish and some hermits, snails, and maybe a shrimp of some kind.


Active Member
Originally Posted by arsen_36
if not is there anything aggresive i could fit in there
Get a pair of fiji blue devil damsels. Pretty, hardy, and you could keep them for the long haul. Don't buy fish to suit your tank. Decide what fish you want, then research their needs and build your system around that


hmmm..... how does this sound, one yellow watchman goby, court jester goby, and one neon blue goby? maybe?

***) i dont know im hungry


oh yeah i have about 18-20 lbs of live rock, an aquaclear filter, a heater, an one power filter (50gph). no sand bed cuz i dont know if i should just leave it or buy some.... an sugestions (spelling)


the gobys i listed all together are 6" when fully grown so that would be 12 gallons. do you think i could manage it or i should just go with two fishes? hmmmm :thinking:


inches of fish per gallon of water is a bad rule.
i would add some sand, maybe 2-3", get the watchman goby, a shrimp, some hermits and some snails.


ok i just decided to stick with two fish because i want my watchman to have a companion so uh... what would be good?


do yourself a favor, get atleast a 30 gal. i started with a 10, then a 20, then 30 and now im up tp a 54 corner. your gonna want to get more and more for your tank and running out of room sucks. my 54 has been up for a little over a year and i already want to upgrade to a 90 corner. also ive found the bigger the tank the easier it is to keep heathy. good luck with what ever you decide


QUOTE=slappy]do yourself a favor, get atleast a 30 gal. i started with a 10, then a 20, then 30 and now im up tp a 54 corner. your gonna want to get more and more for your tank and running out of room sucks. my 54 has been up for a little over a year and i already want to upgrade to a 90 corner. also ive found the bigger the tank the easier it is to keep heathy. good luck with what ever you decide
yeah but when your 15 and clean horse ranches once a week for a lousy 15 bucks you kinda can't afford to go the long run. but i have succesfully kept a Purple Pseudochromis for about 2 months in a 7 gallon. im thinking of returning him once i get my ten gallon fully cycled because he's realy mean from what i have read and every time i shine the flashlight in there he starts attacking the live rock im looking at
. it's pretty funny to watch but anyways yeah i don't have an option about bigger


Active Member
im 13 , $8 allowence and an occasional $20 or so for lawn mowing, and i have a 55 gal. and 125 gal. , you just gotta save