10 gallons enough?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltwater8
You ever go to your LFS or a Walmart and see a 4 inch beta in a 4 inch fish bowl?!

Just because they make them, doesn't mean they should be used!
Not saying to cramp a large fish in a small system. If your comparing sizes, your tank size isn't compatible with any fish if you want to go that far. It is a home system, not the ocean. I've never said to cramp a 4" fish to a small tank! That I would never suggest. It's a individual opinion about nano tanks, no need to get nasty!


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
Not saying to cramp a large fish in a small system. If your comparing sizes, your tank size isn't compatible with any fish if you want to go that far. It is a home system, not the ocean. I've never said to cramp a 4" fish to a small tank! That I would never suggest. It's a individual opinion about nano tanks, no need to get nasty!

LOL, sorry if it came across as being nasty, it wasn't meant to be at all

I was just replying to your comment, "if that's the case, they shouldn't make 10 gallons!"
As far as the flame icon, that was for the feeling I get every time I go into a LFS or a Walmart and see these betas crammed into these small fish bowls.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltwater8
LOL, sorry if it came across as being nasty, it wasn't meant to be at all

I was just replying to your comment, "if that's the case, they shouldn't make 10 gallons!"
As far as the flame icon, that was for the feeling I get every time I go into a LFS or a Walmart and see these betas crammed into these small fish bowls.
I know what you mean. I don't like seeing them like that either. But betas are sooo aggressive, they're not able to have other tank mates. I tried it once in my 10 gallon tank, he beat up everyone else in the tank. :happyfish


i decided just to keep that purple pseudo whatever and put it in my ten so my question is what can i keep with him? i really like the yellow watchman and the neon gold line gobys. basically i like gobys :notsure: .


my first tank was a 10 gal and i didnt know much about this hobbie and i had about 6 lbs LR a cup coral, small BTA,perc clow, purple psuedo, and a yellow belly damsel, plus clean up crew. All i had was the hangon filter from a 30 gallon setup and one small power head plus a heater. Now that ive been in this for awhile i know this is over stocked but at the time it looked really cool and i never had any problems with the fish fighting, I dont know if i recomend doing this but its been done. :notsure: :thinking:
P.S. they were all together for about 4 months untill i got a bigger tank.


hmmm.... sounds like a badass tank but i don't think i want any corals except like a couple zoo's or somethin small like that. oh yeah! is there a way to put live sand in my tank without having it recycle? if so i really like my aquascape and prefer doing this without taking my rocks or anything out. anyways the plan is to turn off the filter and the powerhead, and use a beer bong (i don't know what else to call it) and putting the end of the tube (the part you put your mouth on) on the bottom of the tank and slowly pour the sand in (where you pour the beer) and make acouple piles of sand in the tank. when all is well i'll just spread the sand around till it's even. is this a good idea or should i just stop being lazy and take the rocks out?
i realy couldn't think of any other examples besides (beer bong)
. no hard feelings


If you are on a budget I bet you would be able to find a used 20 gallon tank really cheap. I wish I would of went used instead of new when I bought my 75.


unfortunatly, i am on a budget and im also limited to size. the ten gallon is the only thing i could fit in my room
. but another question (and still a million to go), i noticed a BUNCH of bristle worms on the sand bed of my old tank and if they are beneficial, could i throw em in my 10g? they are the half grayish black and pink ones. if i should throw these suckers in my tank, how and what do i use?


ive always wondered, who was playing god and said that this certain tang needs 75g and this one need 100g. i mean i would never put a tang in a small tank but with all the fish in the world how do they set the standards on tank size?? :happyfish


forget it man! im just gonna go with a yelow watchman goby, a red spotted hawkfish, and a purple whatever chromis dottyback. the best way to learn is experiance! i'll tell you how it goes.


Originally Posted by arsen_36
forget it man! im just gonna go with a yelow watchman goby, a red spotted hawkfish, and a purple whatever chromis dottyback. the best way to learn is experiance! i'll tell you how it goes.
The hawkfish and the dottyback require a MINIMUM of 30 gallons


how do you know for sure they have so be in a "minimum" of 30 gallons? like what slappy said, who made the rule? all fish come from the ocean. how do you decide witch ones need a big tank when you go diving? i all ready have the dottyback in my tank. had him in there almost a week. and before i put him in there, i had im in a 7 gallon for a month and did great!


Go to the 2 Drs. website, it tells you the minimum tank sizes for almost every fish.
They are 2 veterinarians with extensive knowledge in aquaria.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
Go to the 2 Drs. website, it tells you the minimum tank sizes for almost every fish.
They are 2 veterinarians with extensive knowledge in aquaria.
can you email me the websites


We can't email on here for some reason...
And we can't post links...
Do a search for Drs. Foster and Smith