$10 toadstool frag


"OOOOO" I see, you were talking about "LITTLEBUCK" and not me. Sorry for my mistake. When I first read that i thought you were mad at me.


Originally Posted by thejeweler
Goodmorning everyone, I shipped frags this morning, please let me know that you recieved them, and there doing good.
i recieved my frag today but its just a tan dot on a piece of marble i dont know if they shrink in shipping but its not 2 inches tall and half dollar on the top maybe it needs to be acclimated for a while to get life in it well see.


I tried to ship some small ones this past week, just to see if they would do better in the mail. If your not happy with your frag I will send you another one.


ill wait and see what happens about how big were they the ojne i got is about a quarter inch and is laying flat on the marble


Originally Posted by nate487
ill wait and see what happens about how big were they the ojne i got is about a quarter inch and is laying flat on the marble
Mine showed up today and is also small, about the size of a pencil eraser, and it had separated from the marble, so I superglued it back on. I'm hopeful that it will be just fine.


Originally Posted by kwolfskill
Mine showed up today and is also small, about the size of a pencil eraser, and it had separated from the marble, so I superglued it back on. I'm hopeful that it will be just fine.
Do you know how to tell if they made it alive or what this is the first one I've got so I have no experience with them.


Originally Posted by nate487
Do you know how to tell if they made it alive or what this is the first one I've got so I have no experience with them.

I don't have any experience with these either, but mine came with no tenticles extended, so I'll check it today to see if they are now that it is in my tank.


Originally Posted by kwolfskill
I don't have any experience with these either, but mine came with no tenticles extended, so I'll check it today to see if they are now that it is in my tank.
ok let me know


Mine came it was also a small dot, and last nite it seperated from the marble and i cant find it.


Originally Posted by thejeweler
I tried to ship some small ones this past week, just to see if they would do better in the mail. If your not happy with your frag I will send you another one.
Well, I just got home and my frag is gone to meet its maker.
So, I would like you to send me another one please.


Originally Posted by kwolfskill
Well, I just got home and my frag is gone to meet its maker.
So, I would like you to send me another one please.
me too please


wow I do believe last monday shipment was a complete loss. I m going to us UPS next time. I m setting up an account with UPS now. Like I said earlier im just a hobbiest like the rest of youall. Im not here to give anyone a bad deal. And believe me after the cost of UPS im not sure if i will even break even.So I will send out new frags to everyone a week from monday. So I will ship on monday, and everyone should recieve them tuesday night. Any question you can e mail me or pm me or us the board.


Thanks for everyone who purchased a toadstool frag from me. I had some that didnt make the shipping 2 weeks ago. If there is someone out there,whos frag didnt make it, andI havent replaced it or sent your money back. Please email me at jrustydowell@bellsouth.net or private message me. My new boxes should fix those problems( 6+6+6 insulated box with heat pack with twice the amount of water. The new boxes and shipping cost more, I will keep the price the same but you have to buy 2, so a total price of 25.


when you ship my replacement frag can you send without heat pack i live in az and its still 95 degrees in the day time


Got mine yesterday after noon they are looking great and a little star who also seems to be enjoying himself came along for the ride lol.