125 Gallon 8 Month Birthday


I keep my water params at-
Salt - 1.026-1.027
Temp runs around 81-82, a little high but I live in Florida and don't use a chiller, ideally 80
Alkalinity - 12dkh, I dose at least an ounce of alkalinity plus and half gallon of kalkwasser a day for my coral load.
Calcium - I dose at least 3 times a week and is also helped by the kalkwasser.
Nitrates- ideally 0 but with my bioload 5-10
Nitrite, ammonia, phosphates-0


did you say you've only done TWO WATER CHANGES in 8 months?!?!?!
WOW!! When do you decide it needs a water change tho?
p.s. thanks for the invite!!!


kaotik, water changes serve 2 purposes 1. to fix a problem 2. to replace trace elements.
When you get to a coral load like mine to replace the trace elements and keep the water params up without dosing I would have to do a large change every couple of days to get the same results.
As far as fixing a problem, if I see the corals a little droopy or my bacteria needs a little longer to catch up after adding a few new fish. One problem with doing water changes to lower nitrates is that SW has ammonia and when aded to a tank is immediately turned into nitrates, a smaller amount so it does lower your nitrates but still adds some. It's best to have a system that can break it down all of the way using a lot or LR, LS, and macro algae.


I can't say it enough, you tank is great. Something to look forward to in mine. Let me ask you about the Miracle mud. Would you recommend it? I need to fill that fuge I showed you and not sure if I should invest in the money. I also saw mineral mud. Any thoughts?


I've never used mineral mud so no opinion there. I used miracle mud because it helps to control nitrates. Ever since I've added the refugium everything just works so much better, less algae, lower nutrients. I don't know if it has anything to do with the miracle mud or not but the caulerpa just grows insanely fast. It will cost you around $100 or so to put MM in that fuge of yours and that won't be very deep. If you can do it I would. You also hav to be very cardful with flow when you use it because it is so fine, if a stong current hits it you can fog out your whole display for a while, trust me I know. If you decide to do it make sure you use the trashbag method also, if you don't know what that is let me know.


It's simple I use it whenever setting up a new tank to prevent a Sandstorm.
You put the MM in the refugium while it's dry, place a trashbag on top of the MM, place a cup over the end of the tube your using to pump water into the tank and pump the water in. The cup and trashbag make it so that you don't blast the substrate and make a sandstorm or mud storm in this case.


Hey gregg it's me again...
Any idea where I could get my hands on two yellow ricordea?
Also, do you have some sort of auto top off system?


WOW!!!!..... I'm speechless. That is the most beautiful tank I have seen. I can tell you are a perfectionist. I'm trying like hell to get my rock too look like that, unfortunately no luck

Anways keep up the good work and PLEASE update us w/ pics.
P.S. I am going to start getting coral any good starter corals for a newb? I have 192w PC
Either post here or e-mail me, if you can. bdg7884@comcast.net


balistik, if you can find yellow ricordia pick me up a few and I'll pay you back!
I don't have an auto top-off now, they are extremely easy to setup but I rent and don't want to drill holes, I really don't mind that part as a morning chore.
bdg7884, Thank you very much, that is my glass box of months of tedious work, the rocks are always the hardest, I hand picked every one locally to make it all fit together. If you don't like your rocks try again and again, each time will probably give you a new idea, also put them in different positions than you think at first.
Zoos are really easy, mushrooms are easy but spread a lot and can get out of control, Hammer corals were my first coral, ricordia, and most softies are the easiest. Make sure you don't just by pieces to have coral but you actually like them, most reefers end up having to trade in our early ugly corals later in the hobby.
I won't be able to post pics for a while but will continue to update as soon as I can.
Click here to see why and possibly help.


Your reef tank is so beautiful. Mine is almost nine months old and it doesn't even look like yours! How do you keep nitrate that so low? I have terrible brown algea all over especially on the sand. I have a RO system but we just bought a DI system today and will install it tomorrow. Any suggestion, please? Thanks!


brian00ss, nitrates are kept low by the large amount of LR, LS, the protein skimmer and the macroalgae in the refugium. A DI is very important fot the water that will make a huge difference.
balistik, the brand is aquanetics, nothing special, I hear the turbo twist UV sterilizers are good.

nemo lover

Happy b-day!!
Like I said before.. Beautiful!! Someone said " You could charge admissions to see that tank" DON'T GIVE HIM ANY IDEAS!!!

Greg I am going to be down in West Palm June 25 & 26. My husband and I are gonna come to the meeting. Any way I can take you up on that offer (to come see your tank)?


Brian, LR=Live Rock and LS=Live Sand
Balistik, that should do it
nemo lover, that should be fine just remind me about a week ahead and we can figure out a time. I think you still have my e-mail, if not let me know. I'll waive your first admission fee.


Active Member
does the trigger bully others?
and how do the pair of percs get along with the maroon?
i am upgrading to a new setup, which will be a 80g. i have a pair of maroons and percs which i want to put in the same tank. i am terrified at the prospect.