125 gallon FOWLR project


Active Member
YSP The skirts on these have become pretty long as they were ina high flow area , they will not grow this long on new growth and other zoos that i have had wich have gotten long skirts have rectracted. Theseare a little brighter in person.
and some plum zoos, these are large zoos and my perc clown hosts them..



Active Member

You dont like???
OK i wont let 'em get near you. Why dont you like 'em? I'll do the plum ones then OK? My perc(Nemo OF course) is gonna try to tear my arm off though when i try to molest his "anenome"? (he's not to smart)


Active Member
lol, no, i think they are rather...ugly..unless in BIG bunches...haha, you're clown is like mine...they go in my pinks!


Active Member
Its funny, the polyps are too big for him to be able to get in them so he just lays on his side on top of 'em
crazy fish.


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The cycle is complete!

The fish list has changed. I've decided that the Achilles may not be the right fish for me. So I've replaced it with a Blue Hippo.
My son wanted Dori so....I added the first 3 fish today. the two Banghaii's and "Dori.(it's just a baabbyyy! :happyfish )



Active Member
Heres the stand stained. there will be no poly on this stand. I still need to make the doors and organize evrything in the stand. Stain is Olympics Early American. the same stain as all the wood in my office.



Active Member
Just added about 125 lbs of freshly excataved limestone for baserock. Heres some pics as promised. Let me know what you think. Add more? This is going to be a Blonde naso, blue hippo ruled tank so keep in mind swimming room. Hows the aquascaping look? Thanks everyone with you're help!



Active Member
you putting more rock on top or fiji or marshall or anything?? in my opinion, more caves with those type of rock shapes etc...keep it up and keep the pics rolling it!!! looks good, ATO workin great still?


Active Member
You cant really tell it in the pics but the rock has alot of depth to it. Also there are alot of little caves and so forth in it. I might fill it in with some LR in a few places, but in time, when its all covered in coraline it'll be sweet.
The ATO is working perfectly for me. I just topped off the 65, and the 125 I have shut off, letting some evaporate as I added the new rock and to bring the SG up a little.


It looks pretty good, though for now kinda looks like a cichlid tank with the smooth looking rocks. I think it looked better when it was more even and not the space in the middle, looks a little weird, just my opinion.
Good job


Active Member
Thanks, I like it better like this myself. To each their own.
Just finished the stand.
The side panels come off to allow access.
