125 Predator Build



I finally got my upgrade to a 125!!!! We had to drive an hour to go pick it up but it was worth it considering I got all of the equipment and lights (except the Metal Halides) for just over the price of a new, drilled 125!

The tank (I think an AGA but not sure.... it has two center braces) was so large that it would not fit through my doorway. We had to instead bring it in through the window. That was a job with just three people... we think it weighs just over 200lbs. empty.
What came with the tank:
QuietOne4000HH (917gph)
QuietOne4000 (1000+gph)
Custom-built stand and canopy (Canopy has integrated fans for the Metal Halides)
Custom-built 30 Gallon Sump/Refugium
3-36" T5 Strip Lights (They are Actinic, but on Tuesday, I should have two 10,000K bulbs comin' in)
A lot of extra equipment and various small items such as a timer, powerhead, etc.
Now for the pics of when I first got it.
The tank in the garage to see if the bulk-heads would seal right.


Part of the sump

Return Pumps

Filling up and the lights/fans were being tested with the canopy on.

The two center braces and lights.

At night in the garage.

In my room (Finally).


Here it is now....
I am going to try and get a Mini Aqualight to go over the refugium chamber and grow some Chaetomorhic Algae...
Full Tank Shot

Whole Sump Shot

The Refugium part of the Sump


how come you didnt clean the calcium deposits off before setting it up? A bit of Vinegar or PH down would take that stuff off in about 30 minutes. I just cleaned a 180 I got that was prolly worse than that. and so far 95% of it came off.


man that blue is crazy!! if that was me i would be sanding that down and getting some nice stain to put on there. Is that a no fishing sign, LMFAO


Thanks for all the compliments!
Originally Posted by SoulFish
how come you didnt clean the calcium deposits off before setting it up? A bit of Vinegar or PH down would take that stuff off in about 30 minutes. I just cleaned a 180 I got that was prolly worse than that. and so far 95% of it came off.
I'll have to get around to it using a scraper (kinda too late now for the chemicals I guess...
Is that a no fishing sign, LMFAO
Yeah.... it is. We caught that Pinfish with hook and line and figured that that sign would be perfect! LOL.


An Update.
I might put my Porcupine Puffer in on Thursday.... not sure yet.
Also, my lights won't be in until probably next Tuesday. My order got in too late for this week's shipment.

My Params:
Amm.: Steady at 1
Nitrite: Just over 0
Nitrate: Still 0


Well, I did a parameter test today and my Ammonia is dropping so it looks like my Puffer will in fact go in tommorrow!
Ammonia: >1
Nitrite: 0.25ppm
Aside from that, I am thinking of putting a 29 gallon tank under the 125 in addition to the existant sump. The sump has a bulkhead in place for it to drain from the 29. The 29 would be used as a macroalgae/biological filter that "happens" to share the same sump as the 125. Any thoughts/ideas on this? Thanks!
Updates to follow!


Today I went to my LFS and picked up a Actinic/White bulb. It is quite nice. Although I only have one, it is better than just the Actinics. Hopefully I'll end up with another soon.
Parameters checked out O.K. so I put my Emporer Snapper in. He acclimated well and is interacting in a friendly manner with my Pinfish.
Updates following!
FTS with new bulb


Yeah. It has been up for a while and gone through every spike it should have. Everything is coming down. I think it is because I have an established reef and another aggressive. I took rocks, sand, and just about everything that had some biological material on it and put it in.


Parameters as of today:
Ammonia: approx. .75ppm
Nitrite: .50ppm
So, if all goes well, my Porcupine Puffer will be in around Monday and my Fimbriated Eel will be in around Friday.
Originally Posted by SoulFish
how come you didnt clean the calcium deposits off before setting it up? A bit of Vinegar or PH down would take that stuff off in about 30 minutes. I just cleaned a 180 I got that was prolly worse than that. and so far 95% of it came off.
I cleaned the back panel of the tank and tried the overflow boxes. As of now, it is incredibly thick and it doesn't help that it is curved so my razor thing doesn't scrape very well.... Will keep updating as needed!



Any thoughts on me getting a Desjadini Sailfin Tang? Thanks!