#1DawgsFan's 12 Gallon Nano Cube


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
im sorry but i have to do this.......... SCOREBOARD!!!! (42-45 Tech)

Yeah.. Foot in the mouth.. We simply got out coached..that dam option killed us.. They exposed our weak and young defense.. Ohwell always next year..


Well I've got Salt water,Sand and Liverock in the tank and did a little re-scaping tonight so the water clouded up a little. I'm definatly not real happy with the black sand. I love the look, but every time the mag float goes down near the sand it picks up a whole lot of the sand that is polarized like a magnent. I know this is just minerals in the sand and is nothing to worry about, but it is a pain to have to clean the magnent off everytime.
The flow in the tank is great with the MJ1200 return and the Korilia Nano, but I am getting some dunes off to the left and right of the tank. I think I'm going to add the Hydor Flo to the return outlet, from what i've read from others that breaks up the flow alot and helps stop the dunes.
Here's some Pic's let me know what you think of the scaping, I wanted to make sure there were ledges and what not to place corals and such. If you see anywhere I need to make some changes please let me know.
By the way the pictures are taken with a Plain old Florescent strip light over the tank for now until I can get the Viper ordered. I should have my Chemipure elite and Chaeto in there tommorrow, do you guys think I should throw a raw shrimp in there as well to help get the cycle kicked off?



I really like the contrast between the black sand and the live rock. Really Cool!!!!

Humm, might have to see if I can get that for when I set up the 29g BC...


Thanks Guys! I love the look of the black sand as well but it is really weird how much a magnet picks up from the sand. But i also think the black will make the colors of the rics I plan on getting POP even more.
Now for the hard part, sitting back and waiting for the cycle to finish. I still need to go pick up a fuge light so I've got a couple things to work on while I wait!
For now I'm just going to let the tank run dark until I get the Viper light in, and then I'll start testing every other day until it's time for my clean-up crew!


Active Member
hey dawgsfan, check out my thread on corals right here in the nano section, if you'd like, pm me an ill give you the link on where you can find those guys they're friggin tight


Well Guys things are coming along nicely in the Nano. I was finally able to pick up a Hydor Flo for the return, and that definitely helped with the sand dunes! I also picked up some Filter Floss, Chemipure, and the Marina Light for the Fuge.
The Marina Light is great, fits perfectly in the second chamber. One note though when purchasing one, make sure it's the one that includes the transformer. I was an idiot and just grabbed the first one I saw, got it home and was like what am I supposed to do with this.. DUH!!!!
Anyways, Here's some pictures of the tank now that the sand storm has ceased, I'll get some pictures of the fuge light in action tonight.

I've said before, these pictures are taken using a regular old Fluorescent Strip light. I only put this light on there for seeing into the tank when cleaning and moving around rocks and for taking these pictures. Other than that the Light is not turned on, and the tank is kept in the dark all day long. The good news is the wife's buying me the Viper Light for Christmas so hopefully 3 weeks from today my cycle will be kicking good and I'll be able to start running some real lighting.


By the way, I'm wondering, should I go ahead and get some chaeto now or should I wait until my cycles has finished..


Nothing to Update Really, It's been 15 Days since I added my Live rock, sand, and Water. I should have the Viper light Next week (Christmas).
Other than that what else is there to say... Oh Yeah I'm going to Begin testing the water this week! Yeah!!


Active Member
grats man, looks like a good start. I would definitely start testing so you if your tank is cycling and your parameters arent out of whack. Good luck!


subielover - Thank you so much for showing me that..I have heard some negatives about the Viper but had yet to hear of anything Serious.. I haven't purchased the Light yet, so nothing to return. I might just have to go with a Sunpod now, that is if I can find the one that actually fits on a 12 Gallon. I think it's the 16.5" version that was 70 Watts.
Whisk - Thanks! Yep I figured waiting a couple weeks would be ok, but Now it's time to start checking it..


Well I finally started testing every other day and have been doing that for about a week and a half now. Everything seems to be holding steady.
Salinity - 1.024
PH - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 10/20
My Nitrates have fluxuated between 20 and 10, I'll be adding my Chaeto today, and we'll see if that helps conrtrol that a little more. I plan on letting the tank run for about another week with the Chaeto before adding any type of Clean up Crew.
I did about a 20% water change last night, and I plan on doing a 10% change next week before I add my CUC.
Also, I need some suggestions on my Crew?