20 Gallon "Diary"

Originally Posted by yoshii
haha, it seems like your red slime is growing on everything BUT the sand, decor and sides!
Watch, in a few days, your damsel is going to start turning red

LOL, well I did a mojorly needed cleanup today, I removed so many fake ornaments and plants, and only put the one back in, and I stirred the sand bed so it would look white again, im tricky


Active Member
how many fishes are you going for in your tank? also i would do 14 dwarf ceriths and 7 regular ceriths in addition to what nissan said
UGH! Typing "I Laughed Out Loud", would have taken so much longer! Saying I LOL'd was just convenient, im tired, and I could be in bed right now but now i'm sitting here at my ghetto computer that takes 10 minutes to load each screen, typing on my blue keyboard, listening to the dryer tumble. I"M SO BORED! And this website is to addicting, I need sleep, I have school tomorow! I don't want to go to bed, doing research about SW is so much more amusing! Hmm, I should really take that bowl up to the dishwasher, it's been there for a while. OMG I'm going insane. NEED. SLEEP. NOW!


Active Member
+1 thats true. thanks for adding more nike!

as for andrew thats why we have
were the smileys are at...
Originally Posted by nikeSB
how many fishes are you going for in your tank? also i would do 14 dwarf ceriths and 7 regular ceriths in addition to what nissan said

Ocellaris Clown x2
Royal Gramma x1
Yellow Watchmen Goby x1 + Pistol(?) Shrimp (What shrimp is best?)
Pajama Cardinal x2 ?? (Is 20g too small for pj cardinals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by andrewjardin
Ocellaris Clown x2
Royal Gramma x1
Yellow Watchmen Goby x1 + Pistol(?) Shrimp (What shrimp is best?)
Pajama Cardinal x2 ?? (Is 20g too small for pj cardinals?
i would cross out the royal gramma


Active Member
5 fishes is gonna be way too much especially without any kind of skimmer. i would do the two clowns and the goby+shrimp combo. you'd need some good live rock as well for your filtration
Well, I was thinking of using a nano-skimmer, and I have a super-skimmer 65, but i've been having probems with the cup overflowing with bubbles, and microbubbles in the DT. Also I am going to get about 25 ish lbs of LR
Anyways, I still have a few questions to ask you,
What is green algae on heater. Nuisence?-Do I need to get rid of it? (Spelling)
To make my aquaclear 500 into a refugium, do I just add LR rubble, and cheato, light, plus a little grate at front to keep cheato in refugium?
And just for fun I might make the other a mini refugium as well, just to keep the bad crab hitch hikers.(It's better than the toilet)
What if. . . .

Ocellaris Clown x2
Yellow Watchmen Goby x1
(What type of shrimp for Goby?)
Cerith x7
Dwarf Cerith x10
Chestnut Turbo x1
Astrea x10
Nassarius x5
Skunk Cleaner x1
Emerald Crab x2
Porcelain x1
Softies Only
RBTA Anemone


Active Member
even with a skimmer, its gonna 5 fishes is gonna be too much. I had a cpr bak pak on a 10 gallon, seems overpowered but it couldnt keep up with 3 fishes and thats with feeding every 3 days.
the green stuff will probably go away on its own once your tank is established. alot of corralline starts green.
fish, i agree with nissan. a big NO on the royal gramma
crabs - 1 emerald should be fine, no on the sally light foot. replace it with a porcelain crab and like i said, add 10+ dwarf ceriths. The dwarf cetish replace the job of the hermits which get into the small nooks of the rocks. the larger ceriths and other snails do not do that. also add a turbo snail in there, preferably a chestnut turbo
corals, you will regret the xenia at a later time. anemone, rbta but you should have some good lighting and a good established system.
you should have some good lighting and a good established system.
I Recently got new lights, T-5 10,000K Daylight & True Actinic 28W, I want the Anemone to be positioned at the top of the aquarium.
As for having an established aquarium, how do you mean exactly? This set-up has been running for more than 1 1/2 years now. The sandbed is literally crawling with copepods, and I havn't lost any livestock other than due do bullying. I don't know my water paremeters, I dont have a test kit and havn't been to LFS recently, but I know my water temp is currently 78 Ferenheit, and my SG is 1.024