20 Gallon "Diary"

Changed my mind, I don't think i'm going to do any fish, so that means . . . .
No more anemone, just assorted softies, my lights aren't strong enought for stony corals sadly, but i'm still excited, softies look amazing too. Tank will most likely be full of zoos though :)


Active Member
No fish???? That decision will not last long. Trust me! I stared at my empty 10 for a couple weeks and said, That's It! I need fish in there now! HaHaHa!
You cant go wrong with clowns!
Anyway...keep posting pics please...
No new updates yet, still broke

Put light over top of filter- soon to be rufugium

BUT! my hermit crab changed into a shell WAY to big for him, this just made me laugh so i want to post a picture
More pics

Pic #1- Hermit Crab in GIANT shell

Pic #2- Light for Aquaclear filter-Soon 2 be refugium
Pic #3- Inside aquaclear-view from bed- Can't wait for this to be full of sand, LR rubble and cheato, than I can watch any Hitchiker crabs I put in here



Active Member
by established, I mean a good 4 months to fully seed the live rock with the bacteria you need
Oh! Alright, so you mean like 4 month after adding LR! okay thanks!
wow, 4 months, thats a long time . . . . oh well, gives me time to choose aquascape!!
Hey, so I was thinking after surfing around on the Nano section alot that I want to set up the 10gallon on my desk instead, this will save me money, and I don't have a job so that's good, and it might just allow me to keep some more corals with the light being so close to the bottom. Just wanted your input, personally i'm leaning towards the 10g for somthing new. I wont need to buy any more power heads, because with two filters, one being a refugium, and current powerhead the flow will be excellent, wheras now its very weak. My new lights, and heater too. I'll have a nice deep sandbed, and wow I think I just convinced myself! Input?


Active Member
do not do the deep sand bed, itll be more trouble than its worth in a nano. if its accidentally stirred, you could send something into such a small volume of water that it can crash your tank.
Originally Posted by nikeSB
do not do the deep sand bed, itll be more trouble than its worth in a nano. if its accidentally stirred, you could send something into such a small volume of water that it can crash your tank.
Okay thanks
So is that a yes or no, to 10G? LOL
Okay so, the guy I sold my 75 Gallon to, his friend offered me a free skimmer because i'm new, and hes just a nice person! Also I am setting up a time for saturday of next week to go and pick up the following:
10 Pulsing xenia polyps for $1.00
1 Hammer coral Head for $5.00
Couple Blue Mushrooms $?.??
Cured Live Rock $4.00 lb