210g Things with Stings tank.



Renee and I have both had some "issues" that have slowed the progress a bit, however, the hollow door panels have been filled with an aerosol insulation foam, and the electronics for the Genesis system have been wired and Renee has run the wires across the shed. She has also built a little stand for the main pump and drilled the end of the sump for the B/H.
The issues?
I've been down with some type of labyrinthitis, which means I'm dizzy all the time to varying degrees...sometimes not so bad, sometimes "spinning", so I can't do too much. It's like being loaded all the time without the fun...
Renee's back is jacked up, and she's going to have an epidural Thursday (she may need surgery, but we're going with the least invasive procedure first).


Active Member
Hey Guys sorry to hear this, hope you both are feeling better very soon, wish I was your neighbour I would come and give you a hand. Take care, eh


Active Member
Add me to the "Get Well Soon" chorus. Hope the epidural today goes well and without complications.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/378524/210g-things-with-stings-tank/160#post_3438764
Renee and I have both had some "issues" that have slowed the progress a bit, however, the hollow door panels have been filled with an aerosol insulation foam, and the electronics for the Genesis system have been wired and Renee has run the wires across the shed. She has also built a little stand for the main pump and drilled the end of the sump for the B/H.
The issues?
I've been down with some type of labyrinthitis, which means I'm dizzy all the time to varying degrees...sometimes not so bad, sometimes "spinning", so I can't do too much. It's like being loaded all the time without the fun...
Renee's back is jacked up, and she's going to have an epidural Thursday (she may need surgery, but we're going with the least invasive procedure first).


Active Member
Hope you both are feeling better. My husband has menieres disease so I understand what you are going thru with the dizzyness. Though with his meds he hasnt had an episode in a while. Anyway, feel better


I'm a bit better, but Renee has backslid a bit. I was told I have to do vestibular rehab, which basically means that I have to "relearn" my balance.
As for the tank, Renee cleaned up the Genesis installation, and has cut an "exploratory hole" in the wall under the stand, and drilled a small hole thru the outer wall. We have a hole saw on order to make the cut.


I'm a lot better now, but I still get dizzy if I over do it. Sometimes even when I stand still, you can see me swaying a little. It's kinda weird...I start my rehab this Friday.
One of the things I really miss is playing airsoft with my boys...