220 FOWL Tank Diary



That's a sweet looking tusk. I wish I could keep one but my other fish are too agressive, especially at feeding. Post a picture of the Banana when it comes out of hiding.


Active Member
Beautiful Tusk GT...My Indo Pacific Tusk has "Blue Tooth Envy"
. Yeah don't worry about the Lime Green Wrasse, I suspect he will make himself at home and be all over your tank (just like mine is) in no time.


Yea Crypt, the second I realized what FTS means, I edited it quickly,LOL. Funny one
Hey Aqua ! He sure is fine. Thanks for the tips. Mark is a great guy. He does have a slight grey tint on his eye, pretty neat. I'm not that confident about the Banana. He didn't acclimate as well as the Tusk. When I first put him in the tank, he hid all night, until last night he came out and ate some spectrum pellets, then hid the rest of the night. Then this morning, he's in the back of the tank, actually upside down , but breathing. I couldn't get to check anything,cuz I was rushing out of the house. The Tusk was around, swimming through the rocks. It looks like he never sleeps. Thanks Kirk ! And thanks for all of your help ! What do you mean about Blue Tooth Envy-? I'm worried about the Lime Green. He's just acting so weird. Also, I got a message from BZ about a Blue Eye Tang.......I'm thinking about it...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Yea Crypt, the second I realized what FTS means, I edited it quickly,LOL. Funny one
Hey Aqua ! He sure is fine. Thanks for the tips. Mark is a great guy. He does have a slight grey tint on his eye, pretty neat. I'm not that confident about the Banana. He didn't acclimate as well as the Tusk. When I first put him in the tank, he hid all night, until last night he came out and ate some spectrum pellets, then hid the rest of the night. Then this morning, he's in the back of the tank, actually upside down , but breathing. I couldn't get to check anything,cuz I was rushing out of the house. The Tusk was around, swimming through the rocks. It looks like he never sleeps. Thanks Kirk ! And thanks for all of your help ! What do you mean about Blue Tooth Envy-? I'm worried about the Lime Green. He's just acting so weird. Also, I got a message from BZ about a Blue Eye Tang.......I'm thinking about it...........
LOL, Aussies get big beautiful blue teeth as they get larger, looks like yours are coming in nicely, Indo Tusks teeth are not as pronounced in color

Don't fret over the Wrasse yet, my Lime Green was first in my tank, so he acclimated immediately. But when I added a Lunare (very close relative) in my previous tank, he acted goofy, hide, and played dead for a couple of days. They are typically very very hardy fish...Mine still plays dead once in awhile.


Yea, what's up with that? My tusk never slept either. lol, do these fish ever sleep?


Yea Kirk, I'm just counting the minutes and hours until I get home to see them. I'm not enjoying them as much, cuz two of the lights are blown. So one side is white and the other is blue.
His teeth are pretty large, like fangs,LOL. I'm not going crazy about the Lime yet. I thought the Lime and Lunar are the same -? What do you think of a Blue Eye tang -? Could it be ok with my stock list-?
Hippo Tang- 4in
Yellow Tang - 3in
Purple Tang - 3in
Bluethroat - 3in
Humu- 2in
Aussie- 6in
Lime Green -5in
Future List
Queen & Emperor Angels
Gold Puffer
Thanks !

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Beautiful Tusk GT...My Indo Pacific Tusk has "Blue Tooth Envy"
. Yeah don't worry about the Lime Green Wrasse, I suspect he will make himself at home and be all over your tank (just like mine is) in no time.

Are the Indos that different looking?
GTD if you get an Emp please do me and yourself a favor. Save the money and get a Christmas Island Emp. One of the most gorgeous fish I have seen in a while.


Active Member

Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Are the Indos that different looking?
GTD if you get an Emp please do me and yourself a favor. Save the money and get a Christmas Island Emp. One of the most gorgeous fish I have seen in a while.
Here's my old Indo Tusk for comparsion (good cuz he was almost 6" as well). Pic Link
http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/8696/dsc00340c.jpg. The teeth definitely aren't glowing blue, and the orange stripes aren't as vivid.
GT, if you want both the Queen and Emp. angels, I would skip the Blue-Eyed. IMO. Getting up there in total stock, and the Kole being a more passive fish, might have a harder time fitting in there.


Tusk looks great Aqua. Nice and fat ! I just wanted to plan out the stock list. The Gold Puffer is so hard to find. I've been waiting so long. And I guess the Angels are last. Unfortunately the Lime Green didn't make it,
. I kind of knew it. He was just acting weird from the beginning. I got the credit for him, but I'll get him next week, and he'd going in the QT. The Aussie is doing well,but he's such a messy eater. He eats some silversides, and spits the rest out. I might have to do more water changes with him in the tank. I really like the Blue-Eye Tang, can I find a substitute for him,some other Tang -?


lol my Goldheart Trigger is a messy eater too. Same thing with the silversides, chews it up and seems like spits half back out. Luckily the other 2 triggers are close by to eat the leftovers.

Sorry about the wrasse.


Yea. But a very cool fish ! Yea, I knew something was up with the wrasse.Mark took care of it. He said I'll be ok with adding the Blue-Eye/Bristiltooth tank. I just wanted to add one more tang, and thats it for the tangs. Any opinions -?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Blonde naso Tang a possibility? I have seen them more commonly in the 3 inch range this year. Sucks about the wrasse as well


Did the deal man, took a chance. Thanks ! I was so hyped about the Aussie, I don't know what to do about the Gold Puffer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!