220 FOWL Tank Diary



Hey guys ! The tank is running for a little over a month now,readings are fine. You think I'll be ok to add six green chromis to the tank-? Any help would be great, thanks !


Ammonia went up to about 20,then O. My salt readings are a little low, because I ran out of salt.1.013


Now the fun begins-adding the fish. A couple of questions How is the noise on your drain from your display tank? There should have been alot of noise going down that drain running a mag24. If not you are running that mag at full capacity on that drain and any sort of back up is going to rise water in your tank dangerously high. If you have a durso stand pipe in there then never mind this question. Also did you get your first electrical bill from that mag 24 yet? I run a mag 18 on my 150 and my meter really hums. My bill really jumped when I added this thing.


Hey Sean ! How are you-? I got rid of the Mag 24, it was making too much noise. I have a Lifetech 5800,its very quiet.
I am little nervous about the backup that you're talking about.
For the drain pipe in the overflow box, I have a 1 1/2 in pipe, with a tee on top,with a cap on the top,with a hose to eliminate the noise. I used to have a elbow on the other side of the tee,like the durso pipe,but that was causing a lot of noise. I also got a little sponge wedge in front of the slits inside the overflow. Should that be ok -? Thanks !


Hey guys ! Hope all is well. Its been a while, but I am here to update. Tank has been running for almost two months. It finished cycling. I have two green chromis and a nemo in there.
They are doing well. The only problem that I have, is with the sand blowing over in the front of the tank. I gotta play around with the powerheads. I have two Tunze 6060's and 4 #4 Koralias. I want the best flow possible. I need help with a stocklist, and in what order should I get them. Is it possible to have maybe a Blue Throat and a Volitian Lion together in the tank. Also, I would like a few tangs, Yellow,Purple and Blue. Two Angels,Queen and Emperor a puffer and a nice wrasse. What do you guys think -?


Well, I would add the angels last... but add both at the same time. This way neither of the two angels would be established and set up territory. I've heard blue throat and lions go together ok, but with triggers you never know. So you can try it but keep an eye on them and be ready to take one out if the triggers starts nipping at the lion.
Also be careful with the lion and chromis and nemo. They can become lunch.

Personally I think your powerheads are too much. I would take out two of the Koralias.


I would add your wrasse last out of this group listed. I added an emperor angel and my lunar wrasse ate him up and killed him. The emperor was twice his size. I would add both angels at the same time however I would be more inclined to go with one angel in this group and maybe a butterfly of some sort instead. 2 large angels in a tank this size could be expensive trouble.


Thanks Sean. Hey "R", you think I have too many powerheads-? I never knew there is a thing with too much flow. I sill didn't get a chance to adjust them. On the left side of the tank I have one Tunze,its in the back,in the middle, shooting towards the center of the tank.I then have two Koralias,one on top of the Tunze and the other underneath the Tunze,both spaced apart, aiming towards the center of the tank. The other Koralia, is on the back glass on the left side, shooting towards the front glass. On the right side of the tank, they are setup the same way, with the Tunze in the middle, and the Koralias in between it. What do you think-? Thanks


Active Member
IMO, you can't have too much flow, but a lot of flow can be frustrating in certain areas - such as blowing around substrate. I have 4x Koralia #4's in my 180. So 4800gph in addition to the mag 12 return. The only fish that seems somewhat bothered in my tank is the lion. He stays out of the flow - but I have a lot of hiding places in the rock for him. You seem to have amply hiding places too. I wouldn't worry about it unless it is moving substrate. Mine were initially, but I just kept adjusting them until it stayed in it's place..


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Hey guys ! Hope all is well. Its been a while, but I am here to update. Tank has been running for almost two months. It finished cycling. I have two green chromis and a nemo in there.
They are doing well. The only problem that I have, is with the sand blowing over in the front of the tank. I gotta play around with the powerheads. I have two Tunze 6060's and 4 #4 Koralias. I want the best flow possible. I need help with a stocklist, and in what order should I get them. Is it possible to have maybe a Blue Throat and a Volitian Lion together in the tank. Also, I would like a few tangs, Yellow,Purple and Blue. Two Angels,Queen and Emperor a puffer and a nice wrasse. What do you guys think -?

I would worry more about the Puffer than the Trigger with the Lion...But I would still worry about the Trigger too. I have never kept a Lion even though I would really love to. But I would rather have angels and Triggers....As SrFisher says Lions just don't really belong in "Aggressive" set ups in most cases.
As to the rest of your list, I think quite nice, though I would substitute one of your Tangs for some sort of Acanthurus Tang (Powder Blue, Mimic, Powder Brown, Achilles if you don't mind the price) just my opinion. I really like my Sunset Wrasse and you could add one anytime, mine is a model citizen despite being the largest fish in my tank (though not for long), they are beautiful and highly active.
I agree with RCreations and add the 2 Angels last (and at the same time).
As to order added, I would go
Bluejaw Trigger
Sunset Wrasse
Puffer and Blue Tang together
Then the Yellow and Purple definitely together
I took 8 months to get my 8 fish in, I think a good way to go.


Active Member
I agree with Hef and Kirk. It's really hard to have too much flow. You can too much laminiar flow, like a big ole Seio or something, jet blasting a coral to death, but with properly aimed PH's and closed-loop returns, you can get really the flow up there. When all is said and done, I'll be around 8000gph on my 125 with a Mag18 return, Wave2k, and 2 K4's or maxi-mods. The only fish I found that doesn't like good flow, is my Spiny Burrfish, but it was only temperary while I had to relocate my Lei Trigger (started attacking Spiny) and after a while I think he would have adjusted to the tank.
Kirk has the stocking the way I'd do it too. Definitely treat the angels for Flukes. The only thing would be if you get a small juvi of a certain fish, that would restructure everything a touch, but definitely still the BlueJaw first.


Active Member
I have to throw a vote in for the striped dogface puffer. I love mine. And I got lucky and it doesn't bother my volitian at all.
And I add a 3rd vote for treating your angels with prazi - like you know.. my queen was looking pretty bad with flukes in my QT, but prazi was added soon enough to take care of it - thanks to our SWF comrades here.


Happy Holidays Guys ! Hey Hef, I almost have the powerheads line up right, it just needs a little tweaking. I'll look into the puffer soon,thanks ! So about the Prazi, is it a type of formula or medicine that you add to the QT-? Hey Kirk, thanks for the stock list tip, I will most definitely go your way. My LFS has a pair of Male and Female Blue Throat Triggers for $ 75, you think I'll be ok adding them in-? Would it affect my stock list.-? I know the Male has beautiful colors. Whatever you think is best.
Hey Aqua, thanks for the tip. How is your tank doing -?


Active Member
Thanks! Happy Holidays to you too. The 125 is doing good. I am getting ready to add a juvi Rock Beauty out of QT any day.
On Prazi-Pro, it can be done three ways, as a dip (recommended), treating the entire tank, or soaking the food in it to treat for IP. I forget the amount off hand (hopefully someone else with chip in), but would recommend it for every large fish and every angel. IME a pair of Blue Jaws is really just two triggers that tolerate each other. If you like both of them, sure I don't see a problem with having both, just don't hope they're going to mimic a pair of clowns lol.


Active Member
on the prazi - I treated my entire QT - dosing is 1 tsp / 20 gallons x 1 dose - repeating in 3-5 days if necessary (only one dose was needed to cure my angel). So i only used 2.75 tsp total. I got the 4 oz bottle - it'll last forever. i also bought some maracyn 1 and maracyn 2 just so I would have it to cover gram pos and gram neg bacterial infections. I bought them all online b/c nobody local had them - now I have them for emergency.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Happy Holidays Guys ! Hey Hef, I almost have the powerheads line up right, it just needs a little tweaking. I'll look into the puffer soon,thanks ! So about the Prazi, is it a type of formula or medicine that you add to the QT-? Hey Kirk, thanks for the stock list tip, I will most definitely go your way. My LFS has a pair of Male and Female Blue Throat Triggers for $ 75, you think I'll be ok adding them in-? Would it affect my stock list.-? I know the Male has beautiful colors. Whatever you think is best.
Hey Aqua, thanks for the tip. How is your tank doing -?
Male and Female Bluethroat is a great way to go....I love my Sargassum, but truth be told if I had it to do over I would have gone Bluethroat pair instead of Sargassum/Niger. I think that pair in first is a winner.


Really? I love my Sargassum! It's the only trigger or fish for that matter that I can actually pet and it won't run away. Very cool fish and a great personality.