220 FOWL Tank Diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Really? I love my Sargassum! It's the only trigger or fish for that matter that I can actually pet and it won't run away. Very cool fish and a great personality.
I love mine too....I just think it would be fun to have the pair.


Hey Kirk ! I ended up just getting the Male. The Female didn't look too good.He's in the QT, he looks great,a beauty ! What do you feed your triggers -? Hey Aqua and Hef, where can I get the Prazi -? I just want to keep it in stock.


Active Member
I was able to find it at one of my LFS's. Call around your stores and if they don't have it, you'll probably have to order it online like Hef.


My triggers eat pretty much everything I put in the tank, they're not picky. But usually they like to have the occasional chunky food like fresh shrimp, squid, forzen krill or silversides. The rest of the time I feed them the same frozen food I feed all my other fish. Formula 1 frozen is good. Also add vitamins and garlic once in a while.


Hey Kirk ! What are the pro's and cons of having a pair of Bluethroat -? I already have a Male, and he's doing fine. My lfs just got some females in. I was thinking of adding her in too. Would it affect my stocklist -? Would they fight-? Thanks !


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Hey Kirk ! What are the pro's and cons of having a pair of Bluethroat -? I already have a Male, and he's doing fine. My lfs just got some females in. I was thinking of adding her in too. Would it affect my stocklist -? Would they fight-? Thanks !
I think watching the interaction of the "pair" is interesting, I have seen males that kind of protect the female and they typically follow each other everywhere....I'm not actually sure how it works with the "pairing", I believe putting them in together is best, but I have heard of them being added at different times and still "pairing up"...Aquaknight, SrFisher or CCampbell might be better qualified for that answer.


Active Member
I don't have any first hand experience with trigger pairs. I think instead of looking for Blue Jaws for ideas on the pairs, look for people who've had a pair of Crosshatches before as they seem lots more popular for being sold in pairs. I was only able to find one video on youtube of a xhatch pair in a tank (besides those horrible holding tank, for sale, vids).
As far as pairing, I would believe as long as you have the male first, and then get a female, it should work. Xanthichthys are great fish and do great with most fish, even other triggers (as long as the other triggers aren't bothering them). There was one thread a while back on the other blue and white fish board, where a guy had a pair of Blue Jaw for a while, and he ended up with two male Blue Jaws. All of the tanks I've seen with male/female pairs of trigger, they just sort of seems to get along better then the average two fish. That behavior Kirk sounds very interesting. I think the hardest pair, my be finding a 'true' female Blue Jaw, and not one already starting to turn male.


Hey guys ! And Happy Holidays ! Hope all is well ! I haven't been on the site for a longtime,just been busy with work and X-Mas shopping. The tank is doing great, I have a Bluethroat and a Niger,and two skunk clowns and some chromis. I have some pics,enjoy ! Also I took a pic of my refugium, and I was wondering, what is all that stuff growing in there. I do keep on that small T5 on all the time, is it because of that. -?



I'm planning on getting a Blue Tang, and keep him in the QT, and introduce him next year.


Active Member
Lookin good man
Love the Bluejaw

What's with all the powerheads though? Do you think you could get by with just the Tunzes?
Looks like Brown Algae of some sort, I would get a clean up crew in there on it.....If it's cyano, that is not too uncommon with new setups.....I run my fuge light for 12 hours a day, opposite my DT lights.


Love your triggers and the tank looks great!
kjr, I've read other people leaving their fuge lights on opposite of the tank lights. Why is that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Love your triggers and the tank looks great!
kjr, I've read other people leaving their fuge lights on opposite of the tank lights. Why is that?
I think CCampbell advised me to get it up to 16 hours of light when I first put the Chaeto in, once that started growing like crazy, I scaled it back to midnight to noon. My DT is from 2pm-10pm, it seems to be working....During the Summer my tank gets up to 82 degrees, so by not running the fuge continuously, it keeps the temp from getting too bad....IDK, I would think stuff would need a break from the light.


Tank looks great and I like the new additions. That niger will make for an interesting 'pet' when he starts to get big and comfortable. That brown stuff is just some kind of brown algae and is growing where you want it -in the fuge. I agree with kj on the powerheads. Too much. Also agree with him on the lighting. Crank that light as much as possible right now while you are adding load to the tank. It will help the fuge catch up to the extra duties in the water.
The reason people run the lights opposite the DT is to help keep ph up at night. Ph tends to really dip at night.


Hey KJR,thanks for the comments. Its all thanks to you guys, that the tank is doing great. About the pumps, yea I think I got too many, but I just want to play it safe. Cuz on my old 175 I only had 1 Tunze, and lost most of my fishes due to heavy breathing or lack of oxygen. I have the fuge light on all the time, but I don't have anything down there, I gotta get some cheato or caulpera. Thanks R, and for your help ! Hey Sean, thanks ! Right now the Niger playing a lot of hide and seek, so I'm not enjoying him right now. Could I have any problems with all that PH-? I leave the Fuge light on all the time,for now.
Happy Holidays !


That hide and seek won't last to long with that guy. No problems with too much ph unless you were going bonkers with some kind of buffer or calcium reactor. I also leave my fuge light on all the time. Happy holidays and happy reefing.


Active Member
GTD - Looks great! Wonderful job on the tank and rock work. I like your choice of fish so far as well.
As for the refugium, I would add chaeto down there. Also, when you get an algea bloom like that...turn the refugium lights off for a couple of days and it will all go away.
PH raising at night? not so sure about PH fluctuation based on lights but I know that some people do the lights in the refugium to keep temps up at night...I know when mine are off at night it lowers my temp around 1-2 degrees.


Absolutely ph drops when your lights go out. Little experiment: Leave your fuge light off and test your ph after the lights have been off for 4 hours. Ph will have dropped to around 7.8 I'm guessing. When photosynthesizing algae and corals release O2. When they close up they release carbon dioxide.