24 gallon aquapod


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Weasle117, How do you know Clyde?
he goes to my work and we have to use the same computer so he left his file on accidentaly i geuss,and i didnt know it


Active Member
Just be aware that people posting on the same accounts, on the same thread, or from the same computers (same IP address) typically throws up a red flag. Especially when the first post of the new account is something like "Ya, I agree with so-and-so" or "ya, I agree with the original psoter, leave him alone". Sadly, you'd be surprised how many times people make up fake accounts just to agree with themselves...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Just be aware that people posting on the same accounts, on the same thread, or from the same computers (same IP address) typically throws up a red flag. Especially when the first post of the new account is something like "Ya, I agree with so-and-so" or "ya, I agree with the original psoter, leave him alone". Sadly, you'd be surprised how many times people make up fake accounts just to agree with themselves...

Which can be quite sad.
Now to be on Topic...2x 32w pcs is not enough light, I have this tank and it is deffinatly not enough light for an anenome. Now if u had the MH HQI then I would say yes. Stick to softies.


Active Member
IMO you can keep a BTA under PC lighting. However careful consideration needs to be taken as to depth of tank and wattage of lights. These factors can dramatically decrease or increase your chances of survival with an animal like this. IMO the reason why it isnt recomended with PC Lighting is because its always underestimated as to the correct wattage needed. And ultimatley the animal pays for it. If you have a bta under 100 watts of pc lighting and it resides 20" down under a pc of LR then IMO no you are not going to keep it alive long term. But if that anem moves to 3" below the surface of the water then that scenario changes. Problem is you can never predict where the animal will end up and what it is willing to sacrfice for some other need. So to simplify a scenario that doesnt have a clean cut answer, its always stated as something not to do.


Active Member
I did have my anemone with the stock lighting as I didn't research AT ALL and took my LFS's word for it that.... A. I have enough light EASILY for a BTA. and B. Sure you can have an anemone in your tanks 5th week... BS again!!! So I upgraded to be able to keep what I want. But yeah you were right about what I had initially weasel!!! Thats why I read up and don't listen to the LFS.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Just be aware that people posting on the same accounts, on the same thread, or from the same computers (same IP address) typically throws up a red flag. Especially when the first post of the new account is something like "Ya, I agree with so-and-so" or "ya, I agree with the original psoter, leave him alone". Sadly, you'd be surprised how many times people make up fake accounts just to agree with themselves...

and yes we are different people
his name is jeremy and my name is.....well clyde


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
and yes we are different people
his name is jeremy and my name is.....well clyde

Good to know,as Weasel's time around here will be coming to an end if he doesn't start being more polite and a more positive contributor. You might mention to him that we like to provide helpful advice and foster a friendly atmosphere around here.


i know i hope they take him off this site i read some of his comments and they're horrible
but i'll try to talk to him


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
oh wich one is better oceanic bio-cube,or aquapod??????
IMO I dont think theres that much of a difference besides the general design. Ive heard people saying the Biocube has 3 chambers? Ive never really looked to check that, but I know my 24 Aquapod has only 2 large chambers in the back. The same effect is achieved in both of them ultimately.
Ive been looking at the new Solana 34 system by Current-USA (the Aquapod people), and thats a very nicely made filtration system in the back.
Short version: Dont think theres much difference, pick either or


Active Member
IMO If I had to do it over again I would get the JBJ nano with the HQI lights in it.. From what I have read there is no need for a chiller the improved hood is heat shielded and thermally sound ( i dont know how) and you get HQI's. Sweet set up IMO.


Active Member
I have the 24g nanocube with the 150w HQI and I definetly need a chiller. I am not sure what temp it would swing up to if I let it run, but my chiller is working effeciently. It might not slam up to 100 or anything but I wouldn't want it to be at 82 during the day and 76 at night yah know!


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
so should i buy the aquapod without metal halide and then in a year or so upgrade????
Depends if you'd rather dish out the money now and do what you'd like, or do some things but not others, and then later on upgrade if you feel like you want to step into a new area of corals.


well if i got the nano without the hqi then later could i just buy the bulbs for like 40$ instead of having to buy a whole new lid


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
well if i got the nano without the hqi then later could i just buy the bulbs for like 40$ instead of having to buy a whole new lid

I wish it was that easy, but that would cause a electrical short and it might shock your tank and you. There are mods available for the hood for HQI MH lighting. I could pm you something if you'd like. Much cheaper than buying a whole new fixture, but you have to be good with electrical tools and such.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Just be aware that people posting on the same accounts, on the same thread, or from the same computers (same IP address) typically throws up a red flag. Especially when the first post of the new account is something like "Ya, I agree with so-and-so" or "ya, I agree with the original psoter, leave him alone". Sadly, you'd be surprised how many times people make up fake accounts just to agree with themselves...

I don't think I have agreed with myself in...well I can't remember it has been so long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
I don't think I have agreed with myself in...well I can't remember it has been so long.
I'm usually arguing with myself.