As requested here are some close up shots of the "light rail."
You can see in this picture that I cut an aluminum bar and put 4 wood screws through it to keep it in place. I then drilled a hole near the bottom to mount the horizontal L with bolts. This L rail is steal as it will basically be holding the entire fixture up and I didn't want it to bow.

In this picture you can see that I drilled a hole in the other L rails to attach it to the side L rail this one is an aluminum rail.

Once again I cut the aluminum bar and this time I attached L bracket to the top center brace of the canopy. This is simply a middle brace because with the length of the tank it would bow from the weight of the light banks. This also also provides you with a good view of the moon light LEDs for the Lunar Sim Module of the Apex.

This is the bottom part of the center brace. It is basically the same as the top on, except I mounted it to where there is clearance for the wheels to pass through without any problems.

Well that's it. The actual light rail took about 30 minutes to make. The individual "light banks" took 4-5 hours to make due to the epoxy, soldering, waiting on the silicone for the lenses to dry and testing. All together I would say it took me about 22 hours to make.